NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to show a listing of all general ledger chart of accounts and their sub category structure down to 6 levels.

This information is found within the Chart of Accounts program within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AccountingType This field displays the account type of the General Ledger Number.
AccountingCategory This field displays an accounting category assigned to a given account by a user.
AddDate This field displays the date on which the given General Ledger number was added in the Business System.
AddUser This field displays the user name that added the record.
ControlType This field displays the control type method assigned to the General Ledger Account. Options are: Not validated, Entity validation, or Validation list.
Departmentalized This field displays whether or not a department is required when making postings to the General Ledger Account.
DetailLevel This field displays how many levels down the G/L number is, based on the number of categories/sub categories above the G/L.  For example, say G/L 1100 resides under a category called Accounts Receivable, and the category Accounts Receivable was under the category of Assets.  G/L 1100 would then have a detail level of 3, as it is 3 levels deep, based on the categories/sub-categories under which it resides.
Account This field displays the general ledger account number associated with the debit or credit entry.
InActive This field displays whether or not a given general ledger account number is set to inactive.
LastUpdateDate This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
Level1Category This field displays the top-most category under which the given G/L number falls.
Level1SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 1 category in relation to the other level 1 categories.
Level2Category This field displays the second level category assigned to the given G/L number. Note, that if the given G/L number does not have more than one parent category then the G/L number itself would be the level 2 category.
Level2SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 2 category in relation to the other level 2 categories found.
Level3Category This field displays the third level category assigned to the given G/L number. Note, that if the given G/L number does not have 3 parent categories then the G/L number itself would be the level 3 category.
Level3SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 3 category in relation to the other level 3 categories found.
Level4Category This field displays the fourth level category assigned to the given G/L number.  Note, that if the given G/L number does not have 4 parent categories then the G/L number itself would be the level 4 category.
Level4SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 4 category in relation to the other level 4 categories found.
Level5Category This field displays the fifth level category assigned to the given G/L number. Note, that if the given G/L number does not have 5 parent categories then the G/L number itself would be the level 5 category.
Level5SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 5 category in relation to the other level 5 categories found.
Level6Category This field displays the sixth level category assigned to the given G/L number. Note, that if the given G/L number does not have 5 parent categories then the G/L number itself would be the level 5 category.
Level6SortOrder This field displays sort order of the level 6 category in relation to the other level 6 categories found.
LongDescription This field displays the long description of a given General Ledger account.
ShortDescription This field displays the short description of a given General Ledger account.
StandardPresentation This field displays either Debit or Credit based on the subcategory in which the given GL account resides.