NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to return all MPO detail information from the Fusion business system.

This is found within the Accounting Miscellaneous Purchase Order program within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddDate This field displays the date on which the Misc PO detail item was added.
AddUser This field displays the user name that added the record.
BillableType This field displays if the MPO is of Type Billable or Non-Billable.
BillingDate This field displays the date on which a miscellaneous purchase order was billed.
BillingReference This field displays the branch, department, and parts or repair order number that the miscellaneous purchase order references.
BillingStatus This field displays the billing status of a miscellaneous purchase order.
Branch This field displays the branch associated with the Misc PO detail item.
CustomerKey This field displays the key for a customer associated with AR detail.
Department This field displays the department associated with a Misc PO.
IsDetailItem This field displays whether the Detail Item checkbox in Miscellaneous Purchase Order is checked, which indicates whether the item must be referenced individually when billed to a Parts Order or Repair Order.
ExtendedPrice This field displays the extended price (price * quantity) of the detail item on the miscellaneous purchase order.
ItemCostDifference This field displays the difference between the cost of the item entered on a miscellaneous purchase order and the cost of the item entered on a parts or repair order.
ItemExtCostDifference This field displays the difference between the extended cost of an item on the miscellaneous purchase order and the extended cost of that item on the parts or repair order.
ItemType This field displays the type of item on a miscellaneous purchase order.
LastUpdate This field displays the date on which an A/P invoice was last updated.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
MPODate This field displays the date on which a miscellaneous purchase order was created.
MPOItemSequence This field displays the line number of the detail item on the miscellaneous purchase order.
MPOType This field displays the type of a miscellaneous purchase order.
OrderCost This field displays the cost of a given order.
OrderExtCost This field displays the extended cost of an order.
OrderExtPrice This field displays the extended price of a given order.
OrderNumber This field displays the order number for a miscellaneous purchase order.
OrderPrice This field displays the price of a given order.
OrderQuantity This field displays the quantity ordered on a miscellaneous purchase order.
OrderStatus This field displays the status of an order on a miscellaneous purchase order.
PartDescription This field displays the description of a part on a miscellaneous purchase order.
PartNumber This field displays the part number of a part on a miscellaneous purchase order.
PartPrice This field displays the price of the given detail item on the miscellaneous purchase order, at the time it was purchased.
PartVendor This field displays the vendor for a given part.
POCode This field displays the PO code attached to an item on a mischellaneous purchase order.
POCodeDescription This field displays the description of a PO code attached to an item on a miscellaneous purchase order.
PostDate This field displays the date on which appreciation was posted for a fixed asset.
Quantity This field displays the quantity requested for a given item.
Supplier This field displays the supplier of an item on a miscellaneous purchase order.
TotalCostDifference This field displays the difference between the total cost for all items on the miscellaneous purchase order and the total cost for all items on the miscellaneous purchase order that have been referenced to the parts or repair order.
UnitOfMeasure This field displays the unit of measure for a given item.
VendorName This field displays the AP vendor name the MPO is for.

Accounting Misc PO Header

This data object is used to return all MPO header information from the Fusion business system.

This is found within the Accounting Miscellaneous Purchase Order program within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddDate This field displays the date on which the Misc PO was added.
APVendor This field displays the A/P vendor.
IsBillable This field displays yes, if the MPO is considered billable and no if it considered non-billable.
BillableType This field displays if the MPO is of Type Billable or Non-Billable.
BillingAmount This field displays the total price the customer was billed for the items on the MPO.
BillingCost This field displays the total cost of the items on the MPO the customer was billed for.
BillingDate This field displays the date on which a miscellaneous purchase order was billed.
BillingInvoiceNumber This field displays the invoice number of the order the MPO is associated with.
CreatedBy This field displays the user who created the MPO.
LastUpdate This field displays the date on which an A/P invoice was last updated.
IsManuallyReferenced This field displays whether or not the given MPO number has been marked as Manually Referenced for accounting purposes.
MPODate This field displays the date on which a miscellaneous purchase order was created.
MPOIsFor This field displays the purchase summary of the MPO.
MPOSequence This field displays the extension number of the MPO.
OrderNumber This field displays the order number for a miscellaneous purchase order.
PONumber This field displays the PO number assigned to the given MPO.
ShipInstructions1 This field displays Shipping Instructions line 1 of the MPO found on the shipping instructions tab.
ShipInstructions2 This field displays Shipping Instructions line 2 of the MPO found on the shipping instructions tab.
ToName If the MPO is non-billable, this field displays the branch name.  If the MPO is billable, this field displays the customer key the MPO is billable to.
Total This field displays the total amount the MPO is for.
TotalValue This field displays the total extended price of the MPO detail items less the Billing Cost of the MPO.