NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object displays all invoiced and/or voided repair orders, parts orders, LR contracts, finance charges, deals, fuel invoices, and adjustment invoices, regardless of whether they have been paid in full.

This information can be found in the respective invoicing applications in the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddDate This field displays the date on which the given invoice was created.
AddUser This field displays the username of the user that originally added the open order, which has since been invoiced, to the system.
AverageCostGrossProfit This field displays the gross profit of the given invoice, based on the average cost of the items on the invoice.
AverageCostGrossProfitMargin This field displays the gross profit margin of the given invoice, based on the average cost of the items on the invoice.
BillingCompanyName This field displays the company name of the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomer This field displays the customer number of the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerAddress1 This field displays the first line of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerAddress2 This field displays the second line of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerCity This field displays the city of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerCounty This field displays the county of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerPostalCode This field displays the postal code of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
BillingCustomerRegion This field displays the region or state of the Bill To address for the billing customer on the given invoice.
CompanyName This field displays the company name of the customer who ordered the given invoice.
Customer This field displays the customer number of the customer who ordered the given invoice.
CustomerPO This field displays the customer PO number on the given invoice.
Department This field displays the department in which the invoice was created.
Division This field displays the division in which the invoice was created.
Branch This field displays the branch in which the invoice was created.
InvoiceDate This field displays the date on which the given item was invoiced.
InvoiceNumber This field displays the invoice number of the given invoice.
InvoiceSubTotal This field displays the total of the given invoice, excluding taxes.
InvoiceTaxTotal This field displays the total taxes charged on the given invoice.
InvoiceTotal This field displays the total of the given invoice, including taxes.
OrderType This field displays the type of the given invoice, based on the module and/or application in Fusion in which it was created.
InvoiceUser This field displays the username of the user that invoiced the given order.
LastUpdate This field displays the date on which the given invoice was last updated.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the user that last updated the invoice.
IsLocal This field displays whether the given invoice should have the local sales tax applied to it, if the invoice is taxable.
OrderCustomerAddress1 This field displays the first line of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderCustomerAddress2 This field displays the second line of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderCustomerCity This field displays the city of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderCustomerCounty This field displays the county of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderCustomerPostalCode This field displays the postal code of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderCustomerRegion This field displays the region or state of the Ship To address for the customer who ordered the given invoice.
OrderNumber This field displays the order number of the original item that was invoiced.
PaymentMethod This field displays the payment method by which the customer will pay the invoice.
ReplacementCostGrossProfit This field displays the gross profit of the given invoice, based on the replacement cost of the items on the invoice.
ReplacementCostGrossProfitMargin This field displays the gross profit margin of the given invoice, based on the replacement cost of the items on the invoice.
Salesperson This field displays the outside salesperson associated with the sale to the given customer via the given invoice.
TotalAverageCost This field displays the total average cost of all the items on the given invoice.
TotalReplacementCost This field displays the total replacement cost of all the items on the given invoice.
IsVoidedInvoice This field displays whether the given invoice has been voided.