The Create Journal Entry API is used to create a journal entry and post it to accounting transaction if there are no errors.
NOTE: Requires Fusion version 3.60.30
When processing the journal entry passed to the API it is processed as a journal entry that will post and create a posted accounting trasnaction on the business system and, if successful, the posting sequence is returned.
Validations for G/L Transaction
If here are any errors in the entry we will look at the value sent for SaveOnError. If this value doesn’t equal Y we will not save the journal Entry. We will return an error that there were errors and that it was/wasn’t saved based on the parameter.
If the posting period we are passed is closed we will not post the transaction
If the posting period is a future posting period we will not post the transaction
Request Fields
Name | Max Length | Required | Description | Verifications |
SaveOnError | True/False | N | Defines if we save a journal entry that has any errors | |
Journal | 50 | Y | Journal – defaults to General Journal if nothing entered. There are other string values that an be sent | |
JournalReference | 250 | Y | Description for Journal Reference. | |
postingDescription | 250 | Y | Description of posting being performed. Defaults to Journal Reference sent in if left blank | |
PostingBranch | 10 | Y | The branch the posting is for | Verify branch is not Inactive |
TransactionDate | 8 | Y | Date transaction took place. Value should be MMDDYYYY | |
PostingPeriodID | Y | Accounting period we are posting the transaction to. | Use transaction date to verify if the posting period is closed or in the future | |
CommentType | 10 | Dependent | The comment type associated with the comment being sent | |
BriefDescription | 50 | Dependent | The brief description for the comment being created. | If a comment is sent in and there is no brief description we will populate the field with the first 50 characters of the Comment |
Comment | 7500 | Dependent | The comment being sent it | |
Branch | 10 | Y | The branch the detail line item is for | Verify the branch is not Inactive |
GeneralLedgerAccount | 20 | Y | The g/l account the line item detail is for | Verify the g/l account is not Inactive Verify if account is departmentalized. If it is departmentalized we will need a department below. |
Department | 10 | Dependent | The department the line item detail is for, if the account is departmentalized | Verify department is not Inactive and is assigned to the Branch value above |
DebitAmount | 20 | Dependent | If debit amount - credit amount >= 0.00 we will post a debit otherwise it will be a credit Field allows 17 to the left of the decimal and 2 decimal places. | |
CreditAmount | 20 | Dependent | If debit amount - credit amount >= 0.00 we will post a debit otherwise it will be a credit Field allows 17 to the left of the decimal and 2 decimal places. | |
OverRidePostingDescription | 250 | N | Line item specific posting description | |
Control | 50 | Dependent | Control value for the line item | |
Allocation | 250 | N | Allocation for the line item | If allocation has departments associated with it we need to verify g/l account is set to departmentalized = true If g/l account has a default allocation we will override with the value sent in. |
POST Request
"journal": {
"ID": "",
"reference": "description for journal"
"description": "",
"branchID": "",
"date": "MMDDCCYY",
"postingPeriodID": "",
"saveOnError": "",
"lineItems": [{
"branchID": "",
"glAccountID": "",
"departmentID": "",
"allocationID": "",
"amount": "",
"type": "",
"description": "",
"control": ""
"branchID": "",
"glAccountID": "",
"departmentID": "",
"allocationID": "",
"amount": "",
"type": "",
"description": "",
"control": ""
"branchID": "",
"glAccountID": "",
"departmentID": "",
"allocationID": "",
"amount": "",
"type": "",
"description": "",
"control": ""
POST Response
"journalID": "",
"sequence": "",
"glAccount": ""