NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to return all information from a unit on a lease or rental contract from within the Fusion business system.

This is found within the Lease Rental Contract Unit program within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddDate This field display the date and time the record was added.
AddUser This field displays the user name that added the record.
AllowedForFixed This field displays what percentage of the new CPI a customer is subject to for fixed charges.
AllowedForVariable This field displays what percentage of the new CPI a customer is subject to for variable charges.
Area This field displays the location where commodities are being hauled.
BillFuelTicketOnLRInvoice This field displays whether or not the unit will have fuel invoices charged to it.
CharacteristicType This field displays the unit’s characteristic type (truck, trailer, reefer, etc.).
ChildUnits This field displays whether or not the given unit has any child units attached to it.
ChildUnitsOnContract This field displays whether or not the given unit has any child units  added on the contract.
Commodity This field displays the commodity that will be hauled in then given vehicle.
ContractNumber This field displays the number attached to a contract.
LeaseContractStatus This field displays the status of the  given contract.
CustomerPO This field displays the customer purchase order associated with the given unit.
FirstName This field displays the driver’s first name.
LastName This field displays the driver’s last name.
DriverMiddleInitial This field displays the driver’s middle initial.
EndingMeter This field displays the meter reading for the given unit when the contract ended.
EquipmentClass This field displays the classification of inventory, such as different size trailers.
EquipmentType This field displays the equipment type of the given unit.
EstimatedBilledMeter This field displays the value used to calculate the variable billing for each billing cycle.
FleetType This field displays the fleet type for the given unit.
IsHazardous This field displays whether or not a commodity being hauled is hazardous.
LastBillThruFixed This field displays the date the unit is billed thru for fixed charges.
LastBillThruVariable This field displays the date the unit is billed thru for variable charges.
LastCPI This field displays the Consumer Price Index number when CPI was last calculated.
LastUpdateDate This field display the date and time the record was last updated.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
ExpirationDate This field displays the date on which a customer’s liability insurance policy expires.
PolicyNumber This field displays the customer’s liability insurance policy number.
InsuranceProvider This field displays the name of a customer’s liability insurance provider.
LicenseExpiration This field displays the date on which a driver’s license expires.
LicenseNumber This field displays the driver’s license number of the driver on a unit.
RentalRate This field displays the rental rate for a reservation or agreement.
Make This field displays the make of the given unit.
MaxAnnualMeter This field displays the maximum annual meter reading on the given unit.
MaxAnnualofIncreaseFixed This field displays the maximum annual adjustment allowable increase for Fixed Charges, based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index.
MaxAnnualofIncreaseVariable This field displays the maximum annual adjustment allowable increase for Variable Charges, based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index.
MeterAllowance This field displays the maximum number of miles that can be put on the given unit on a given contract.
MeterReading This field displays the current meter reading for the given unit.
MinAnnualMeter This field displays the minimum annual reading on the given unit.
Model This field displays the model of the given unit.
ProductionYear This field displays the production year of the given unit.
MonthsBeforeCPICalculated This field displays the time, in months, before any Consumer Price Index increases can take hold.
IsNoReturnDate This field displays that a unit on a contract does not have a return date.
OriginalUnit This field displays the unit number that the given unit is being substituted for.
OutDate This field displays the date on which a contract began.
ParentUnitNumber This field displays the number(s) attached to any parents units.
PhysicalDamangeInsuranceExpirationDate This field displays the customer’s physical damage insurance expiration date
PhysicalDamageInsurancePolicyNumber This field displays the customer’s physical damage insurance policy number.
PhysicalDamageInsuranceProvider This field displays the customer’s physical damage insurance provider
PreviouslyBilledMeter This field displays the meter reading at the time billing last occurred for the given unit.
ReturnBranch This field displays the branch where a unit will be returned.
ReturnDate This field displays the time when a unit on a contract is due back.
UserName This field displays the user name assigned as the salesperson on the given contract.
StaringCPI This field displays the Consumer Price Index at the time a unit became active on a contract.
StartingMeter This field displays the starting meter for the given unit on a contract.
SubUnit This field displays whether the given unit is acting as a substitute for another unit.
IsSubjectToCPI This field displays whether or not a unit is subject to Consumer Price Index increases.
SubsAllowed This field displays whether the given unit is able to be substituted with another unit.
Term This field displays the customer’s payment terms for invoices.
TotalBilledMeter This field displays the Total Billed Meter for the given unit (running total of meter intervals).
UnitIndicator This field displays the unit’s unit indicator.
UnitNumber This field displays the ID number of a unit attached to a given note.
LeaseContractUnitStatus This field displays the status of the given unit on the contract.
Vin This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number.