This data object is used to return all customer insurance information from the Fusion business system.
This is found within the Lease Rental Customer Insurance program within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date and time the given record was entered. |
AddUser | This field displays the user name that added the record. |
Address1 | This field displays line one of an insurance agent’s address. |
Address2 | This field displays line two of an insurance agent’s address. |
AgentName | This field displays the insurance agent’s name. |
City | This field displays the insurance provider’s city. |
DamageCollisionCoverage | This field displays the coverage amount for collision. |
DamageCollisionDeductible | This field displays the deductible amount for collision. |
CompanyName | This field displays the company name of the customer assigned to the insurance record. |
IsCompanyProvidedInsurance | This field displays if the insurance is provided by the company or not. |
DamageComprehensiveCoverage | This field displays the coverage amount for comprehensive. |
DamageComprehensiveDeductible | This field displays the deductible amount for comprehensive. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the identifying number attached to a customer. |
This field displays the insurance provider’s email address. | |
ExpirationDate | This field displays the date on which a customer’s insurance policy expires. |
Inactive | This field displays whether or not a given insurance record is set to inactive. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the last update date and time of the given record. |
UpdateUser | This field displays the user name of the individual who made the last update. |
LiablityCoverage | This field displays the coverage amount for liability. |
LiablityDeductible | This field displays the deductible amount for liability. |
OfficePhone | This field displays the insurance agent’s office phone number. |
PhysicalDamageCoverageLimit | This field displays the coverage limit value for Physical Damage policies. |
PolicyNumber | This field displays the customer’s insurance policy number. |
PostalCode | This field displays the insurance provider’s postal code. |
Description | This field displays the description of a given insurance record. |
InsuranceProvider | This field displays the name of a customer’s insurance provider. |
ProviderType | This field displays the provider type for the given customer insurance record. |
Region | This field displays the insurance provider’s region or state. |
StartDate | This field displays the start date of the given customer insurance policy. |