NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.


The Meter Reading API will update the Meter Reading of an Active unit.

The Meter Reading API supports the PUT method.

PUT Method


Version = API version; v1 as of June 30, 2019

  • The Unit to update MUST be an Active Current Unit.
  • Meter Readings can be set to a value lower than the current value, to decrease the meter reading.
  • When updating Meter Type, if the input for Meter Type is not one of the valid options, the request will be rejected.
  • When updating Meter Reading, if the value is 0 or less, the request will be rejected.
  • When Update Meter Average is TRUE, the request will be rejected if:
    • the meter reading date is back-dated
    • the meter reading value is less than the current meter reading
    • the meter type is different than the current meter type
  • Update Meter Average is ignored when:
    • Meter Type = ECM
    • No previous meter reading exists for the Unit
  • The Meter Reading API requests require a property called “Unit Identifier” that will contain one or more properties that will be used to identify the Unit to which the Meter Reading update applies.
  • The table below contains the possible valid Identifiers for the Meter Reading API.
    • If the API cannot find a corresponding Unit and Unit Inventory record, an exception is thrown and the update request is not processed, marked with a 400 Bad Request status.
    • If the provided Unit Identifier cannot be resolved to an individual record, the request will be rejected.


Name DataType Comments
UnitID string This is the unique database id for the Unit, the API will find the currently active Unit Inventory record for the specified Unit.  For Fusion, the API expects this string to contain an integer and will throw an Exception if it contains a non-Integer value.
UnitInventoryID string This is the unique database id for the Unit Inventory, the API will find the corresponding Unit record for the specified Unit Inventory.  For Fusion, the API expects this string to contain an integer and will throw an Exception if it contains a non-Integer value.
UnitNumber string This is used in conjunction with the “CustomerKey” and “CustomerBranchCode” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “CustomerKey” and “CustomerBranchCode”.
CustomerKey string This is used in conjunction with the “UnitNumber” and “CustomerBranchCode” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “UnitNumber” and “CustomerBranchCode”.
CustomerBranchCode string This is used in conjunction with the “CustomerKey” and “UnitNumber” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “CustomerKey” and “UnitNumber”. 
VIN string The Unit’s Vehicle Identification Number.


Request Properties

After a valid Identifier has been passed, the following Meter properties can be updated on the specified Unit/Unit Inventory record.

Name Data Type Description Validation Rules/Comments
Meter Type varchar(50) Unit’s meter type Valid options are: Gallons, Hours, Kilometers, Liters, Miles, None, Billing, Other; If Fusion’s Company Parameter 317 is set to Billing, the Meter Type should be set to “Billing” for any meter readings that should be included in L/R Billing.
Meter Reading decimal New meter reading of the Unit Will remain unchanged if Meter Reading is not passed
Meter Reading Date datetime Date meter reading was updated Will default to current date if not passed
Update Meter Average bit When TRUE, the current meter average per day will be updated  
ECM Reading decimal New ECM reading of the Unit Will remain unchanged if Meter Reading is not passed
ECM Reading Date datetime Date ECM reading was updated Will default to current date if not passed
VIN varchar(20) Vehicle Identification Number of the Unit.  


PUT request using UnitID as Unit Identidifier

			"UnitId": "9448"
		"MeterType" : "Miles",
		"MeterReading" : "25",
		"MeterReadingDate": "2019-12-10T14:09:00Z",
		"UpdateAvg" : "false"

PUT request using VIN as Unit Identifier

		"VIN" : "1GB6G2A66A1103234"
		"MeterType" : "Miles",
		"MeterReading" : "250",
		"MeterReadingDate": "2019-1-14T14:09:00Z",
		"UpdateAvg" : "false"

PUT request using CustomerKey/CustomerBranchCode/UnitNumber combination as Unit Identifier

			"CustomerKey": "95082",
			"CustomerBranchCode": "01",
			"UnitNumber": "BX2045"
		"MeterType" : "Miles",
		"MeterReading" : "250",
		"MeterReadingDate": "2019-1-14T14:09:00Z",
		"UpdateAvg" : "false"

PUT request using UnitInventoryID as Unit Identifier

		"UnitInventoryId" : "1852"
	"MeterType" : "Miles",
	"MeterReading" : "250",
	"MeterReadingDate": "2019-1-14T14:09:00Z",
	"UpdateAvg" : "false"
    "UnitID" : "1852",
    "VIN" : "1GB6G2A66A1103234"
	"Status" : "Success",
	"Message" : null