This data object is used to display the commission information by salesperson and stock number for a given deal packet invoice.
This information can be found by clicking the Commission Worksheet hyperlink in the Accounting Review application in the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
Approved | This field displays whether the commission for the given deal has been approved to be paid. |
BaseCost | This field displays the base cost of the unit that was sold. |
Branch | This field displays the branch associated with the given deal. |
Commission | This field displays the commission amount for the salesperson of the given unit on the deal. |
CommissionDate | This field displays the date that the commission was prepared and approved (defaults to the date that it was added to the system, but can be manually changed in Fusion). |
CommissionPercentage | This field displays the percentage of the unit on the deal that is calculated as commission. |
IsCommissionPercentageAgainstProfit | This field displays whether the commission for the salesperson of the given unit on the deal will be calculated against profit, rather than the gross amount of the deal. |
Cost | This field displays the cost of the given unit. |
DealNumber | This field displays the deal number of the deal that the unit was sold on. |
Department | This field displays the department associated with the given deal. |
FinanceCommission | This field displays the cost of the finance commission unit addon on the given deal packet. |
FinanceLender | This field displays the finance lender associated with the given deal packet. |
FinanceReserve | This field displays the reserve amount from the given deal packet invoice. |
FlatAmount | This field displays the amount that the salesperson of the given unit on the deal will receive as commission. |
Held | This field displays whether the commission is being held from being paid. |
HeldDate | This field displays the date as of which the commission is being held. |
HeldReason | This field displays the reason that the commission is being held. |
IncludeFinanceReserveInTotalProfit | This field displays whether the finance reserve should be included in the total profit for the commission for the sale of the given unit. |
IncludeInsuranceIncomeInTotalProfit | This field displays whether the insurance income should be included in the total profit for the commission for the sale of the given unit. |
InsuranceCommission | This field displays the cost of the insurance commission unit addon on the given deal packet. |
InsuranceIncome | This field displays the cost of the insurance income unit addon on the given deal packet. |
InventoryType | This field displays the inventory type of the unit that was sold and that commission will be paid on. |
InvoiceDate | This field displays the invoice date of the deal that the unit was sold on. |
Make | This field displays the make of the unit that was sold and that commission will be paid on. |
MinimumCommission | This field displays the minimum amount that the salesperson of the given unit on the deal would receive as commission. |
MinimumProfit | This field displays the minimum profit of the unit on the deal that is considered subject to commission. |
MinimumProfitPercentage | This field displays the minimum profit percentage of the unit on the deal that is considered subject to commission. |
Misc1 | This field displays the description of the first miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc1Cost | This field displays the cost of the first miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc1Price | This field displays the price of the first miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc1Profit | This field displays the profit (price - cost) of the first miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc2 | This field displays the description of the second miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc2Cost | This field displays the cost of the second miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc2Price | This field displays the price of the second miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Misc2Profit | This field displays the profit (price - cost) of the second miscellaneous item to be considered in calculating commission. |
Model | This field displays the model of the unit that was sold and that commission will be paid on. |
Note | This field displays the note entered regarding the given commission. |
OpenLPOs | This field displays the total expected amount of all open LPOs for the given unit. |
PacketNumber | This field displays the packet number of the deal packet that the unit was sold on. |
Price | This field displays the price of the given unit. |
Profit | This field displays the profit (price - cost) for the given unit. |
ProratedOverUnderAllowance | This field displays the over/under allowance for the given unit on the given deal. |
Salesperson | This field displays the salesperson who will be receiving commission for the sale of the given unit. |
SoldStockNumber | This field displays the stock number of the unit that was sold and that commission will be paid on. |
TotalAddonCost | This field displays the total cost of all addons subject to commission on the given deal. |
TotalAddonPrice | This field displays the total price of all addons subject to commission on the given deal. |
TotalAddonProfit | This field displays the total profit (total price - total cost) of all addons subject to commission on the given deal. |
TotalCost | This field displays the total cost (Cost + Total Addon Cost + Misc 1 Cost + Misc 2 Cost) of the given unit on the deal. |
TotalPrice | This field displays the total price (Price + Total Addon Price + Misc 1 Price + Misc 2 Price) of the given unit on the deal. |
TotalProfit | This field displays the total profit (Profit + Total Addon Profit + Misc 1 Profit + Misc 2 Profit - Prorated Over Under Allowance) of the given unit on the deal. Note that if Include Finance Reserve In Total Profit and/or Include Insurance Income In Total Profit is checked, Finance Reserve will be added to Total Profit and/or Insurance Income will be subtracted from Total Profit, respectively. |
Year | This field displays the year of the unit that was sold and that commission will be paid on. |