Service Deferred Repairs
This data object is used to display a list of all deferred repairs from the Fusion business system.
This information can be found in the Deferred Repair program within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the deferred repair was added. |
AddUser | This field displays the username that added the record. |
CustomerName | This field displays the company name associated with the customer found in the deferred repair record. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the customer number associated with the unit occurrence found in the deferred repair record. |
DeferredDate | This field displays the date for deferring the repair. |
DeferredReason | This field displays the reason the deferred repair was created. |
DeferringBranch | This field displays the branch where the deferred repair was created. |
DeferringDepartment | This field contains the department of the task when it was deferred. This department will be copied into the repair order task when applied to an open repair order. If the set department is not valid for the branch applying the repair, the department will be set to the user’s login department. |
DeferringRONumber | This field displays the repair order number assigned to the deferred repair. |
DeferringTaskNumber | This field displays the task number assigned to the repair order for the deferred repair. |
DeferringUser | This field displays the user name that deferred the repair. |
ExpectedExpirationDate | This field displays the expiration date for the deferred repair. |
InServiceDate | This field displays the in service date of the unit. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the date on which the deferred repair was last updated. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the username that last updated the record. |
OfficePhone | This field displays the customer’s office phone number. |
RepairGroup | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair group in the database. |
RepairGroupDescription | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair group description in the database. |
RepairType | This field displays the description of a particular repair type. |
RepairTypeDescription | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair type description in the database. |
Ship-toAddress1 | This field displays the Ship-To Address line 1 of the customer. |
Ship-toAddress2 | This field displays the Ship-To Address line 2 of the customer. |
Ship-toCity | This field displays the Ship-To City of the customer. |
Ship-toCountry | This field displays the Ship-To Country of the customer. |
Ship-toCounty | This field displays the Ship-To County of the customer. |
Ship-toPostalCode | This field displays the Ship-To Postal Code of the customer. |
Ship-toRegion | This field displays the Ship-To Region of the customer. |
UnitMake | This field displays the unit’s make. |
UnitModel | This field displays the unit’s model. |
UnitNumber | This field displays the ID number of a unit attached the deffered repair record. |
UnitYear | This field displays the unit’s year. |
Vin | This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number. |
Service Unit Meter History
This data object is used to display all meter readings for units captured within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the meter reading was added. |
AddUser | This field displays the username that added the record. |
AverageDailyUsage | This field displays the average meter traveled per day. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the identifying number attached to a customer. |
Erroneous | This field displays if the meter reading is flagged as Errouneous. |
Estimate | This field displays if the meter reading is flagged as an Estimate. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the date on which the meter reading was last updated. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the username that last updated the record. |
Make | This field displays the make of a unit attached to a given meter reading. |
MeterDate | This field displays the date of the meter reading. |
MeterReading | This field displays the meter reading of the given unit. |
MeterSource | This field displays the source of the meter reading. |
MeterTransactionType | This field displays the transaction type generated by the system for the meter reading. |
MeterType | This field displays the unit’s meter type (gallons, hours, kilometers, etc.). |
Model | This field displays the model of a unit. |
ModelYear | This field displays the year in which a unit was produced. |
CompanyName | This field displays the company name of the owning customer assigned to the unit. |
UnitNumber | This field displays the identification number of the unit. |
Vin | This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number. |
Service Open Barcode Time
This data object is used to display all open bar code time in the Fusion business system.
This information can be found in the Bar Code Time Entry program within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
ApplicationName | This field displays the application through which the Barcode Time transaction was added. |
AddApplicationNumber | This field displays the add application number associated with open barcode time. |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the time record was added. |
AddUser | This field displays the user name that added the record. |
BranchCode | This field displays the branch associated with the time record. |
CompletionTime | This field displays the time task was completed. |
Department | This field displays the department associated with a Time Record. |
ElapsedTime | This field displays the time that has elapsed on a task. |
ElapsedTime_FH | This field displays the current amount of time the user has been clocked. |
LastUpdate | This field displays the date the record was last updated. |
UpdateUser | This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update. |
RemainingTime | This field subtracts the closed and open time worked on the RO task from the RO task Billing hours. If the RO task is set to use Book hours as the bill hours, then the closed and open time will be subtracted from the book hours. If the billing hours on the task is 0 then this field will be blank. |
RepairOrderNumber | This field displays the number attached to a repair order. |
RepairType | This field displays the description of a particular repair type. |
RepairTypeDescription | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair type description in the database. |
Shift | This field displays the shift code for a technician, if any. |
ShiftDescription | This field displays the description for a technician’s shift. |
TaskNumber | This field displays the number attached to a given task. |
TechnicianName | This field displays the technician’s name. |
TechnicianNumber | This field displays the number assigned to a technician. |
TimeIn | This field displays the time in which a technician clocked in. |
UpdateApplicationName | This field displays the last application through which the Barcode Time transaction was updated. |
UpdateApplicationNumber | This field displays the update application number associated with open barcode time. |
Service Preventive Maintenance
This data object is used to display all preventive maintenance information.
This information can be found in the Preventive Maintenance Service Due program within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the PM record was added. |
AddUser | This field displays the user that added the PM record for the unit. |
AverageDailyUsage | This field displays the average meter traveled per day. If the value returned is larger than 750, then the value will be defaulted to 750 in the data returned to allow for calculations in the data object to return correctly. |
UnitType | This field displays the unit type for a unit requiring / receiving preventive maintenance. |
CompanyName | This field displays the company name of the owning customer associated with the unit. |
CompanyShopPhone | This field displays the shop phone number of the units owning customer. |
ContractCompanyName | This field displays the Company name of the customer the unit is active on contract with. |
ContractCustomerContact | This field displays the primary contact of the customer the unit is active on contract with. |
ContractCustomerShopPhone | This field displays the shop phone number of the customer the unit is active on contract with. |
ContractNumber | This field displays the number attached to a contract. |
LastMeterDate | This field displays the date of the meter reading on the last time preventive maintenance was performed. |
LastMeterReading | This field displays the meter reading on the last time preventive maintenance was performed. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the identifying number attached to a customer. |
CustomerAddress | This field displays the billing customer’s street address. |
CustomerBaseBranch | This field displays the base branch for a given customer. |
CustomerCity | This field displays the billing customer’s city. |
CustomerCountry | This field displays the billing customer’s country. |
CustomerPostalCode | This field displays the billing customer’s postal code. |
CustomerRegion | This field displays the billing customer’s region or state. |
GraceDays | This field displays the overage day allottment for the PM code. These days will be added to the Next Date Due to help determine whether the unit should be due for service or not. |
GraceMeter | This field displays the overage meter allotment for the PM code. This meter amount will be added to the Next Meter Due to help determine whether the unit should be due for service or not. |
LastInvoiceNumber | This field displays the last invoice done for a unit that contained a PM job. |
LastInvoiceDate | This field displays the date on which an account was last invoiced. |
LastRepairOrder | This field displays the most recent repair order on which preventive maintenance was done. |
LastPMROBranch | This field displays the last branch that completed a PM Service for the Unit. |
LastUpdate | This field displays the date on which the PM schedulee was last updated. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the user to last update PM for the unit. |
IsLeaseRentalCustomer | This field displays whether or not a customer is a customer in lease/rental. |
Make | This field displays the make of a unit attached to a PM record. |
PMBasis | This field displays the units meter type; hours, miles, kilometers, etc. |
Model | This field displays the model of a unit. |
UnitYear | This field displays the unit’s year. |
PMDateNextDue | This field displays the date on which a unit is next due for service. |
PMNextMeterDue | This field displays the meter reading at which a unit will next be due for preventive maintenance. |
RONumber | This field displays the Repair Order associated with the PM schedule. |
TaskDescription | This field displays the description of the task. |
OpenPMROBranch | This field displays the open branch that has an open RO for PM Service for the Unit. |
Ownership | This field displays the unit’s owner. |
OwningCustomerContact | This field dislays the primary contact of the units owning customer. |
PMDescription | This field displays the preventive maintenance description. |
PMCode | This field displays the preventive maintenance interval schedule for services. |
PMTimeInterval | This field displays the specific date on which a unit will be due for service. |
PMLastCompletionDate | This field displays the last date on which the preventive maintenance was performed. |
PMLastCompletionMeter | This field displays the meter reading on the last time preventive maintenance was performed. |
PMMeterInterval | This field displays the number of (hours, miles, kilometers) that will pass before a unit is due for service again. |
PMRepairTypeCode | This field displays the repair type associated with the preventive maintenance code. |
PMRepairTypeDescription | This field displays the repair type description associated with the preventive maintenance code. |
RODateOpened | This field displays the date on which a repair order was opened. |
PMServiceDue14Days | This field displays whether or not a unit has preventive maintenance due within 14 days. |
PMServiceDue21Days | This field displays whether or not a unit requires preventive maintenance within 21 days. |
PMServiceDue7Days | This field displays whether or not a unit has preventive maintenance due within 7 days. |
PMServiceDueFlag | This field displays whether or not a unit has preventive maintenance due immediately. |
ROStatus | This field displays the description of the current status associated with a repair order, if any. |
IsScheduled | This field displays whether or not preventive maintenance is scheduled. |
ServiceBranch | This field displays the branch which performed preventive maintenance service. |
StartingDate | This field displays the starting date for preventive maintenance. |
StartingMeter | This field displays the starting meter for a unit on a contract. |
TaskNumber | This field displays the number attached to a given task. |
TaskClockedOnTechnicians | This field displays the names and associated numbers of any technicians currently clocked on to a repair order task. |
UnitIndicator | This field displays the type of unit (sales, service, lease/rental, etc.). |
UnitNumber | This field displays the unit number of the unit attached to the PM schedule. |
VIN | This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number. |
Service Repair Order Quote Details
This data object is used to display the detail line items with pricing and costing information for Repair Order Quotes from the Fusion business system. Join to Repair Order Quote Task to view the task level information and then to Repair Order Quote Header to view the header level information for the given repair order quote.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the given detail item was added to the given repair order quote. |
AddUser | This field displays the user name of the user who added the given detail item to the given repair order quote. |
AverageCost | This field displays the cost or average cost or, if average cost is zero, the replacement cost of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
BackorderPriority | This field displays the backorder priority flag that was entered when the given part for which backorder is necessary was added to the repair order quote. |
BillingCompanyName | This field displays the company name of the billing customer on the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomer | This field displays the customer number of the billing customer on the given repair order quote. |
BinLocation | This field displays the bin location of the given part on the repair order quote. |
Branch | This field displays the branch in which the given repair order quote was created. |
CalculatedAgainst | This field displays which value the specified percentage is applied to in order to determine the price of the given miscellaneous charge on the repair order quote. |
CalculatedPrice | This field displays the price of the given detail item on the given repair order quote before override price is taken into consideration. |
ControlNumber | This field displays the control number associated with the given part or miscellaneous charge. |
CoreClass | This field displays the class of the core for the given exchange part. |
CoreCost | This field displays the cost of the core for the given exchange part. |
CoreDescription | This field displays the description of the core for the given exchange part. |
CoreExtendedPrice | This field displays the extended price (price * quantity) of the core for the given exchange part. |
IsCoreNoCharge | This field displays whether the core for the given exchange part was added to the repair order quote at no charge. |
IsCoreOneLineTransaction | This field displays whether the given exchange part and its core will appear as one line with a single transaction on the repair order quote. |
CoreOverridePrice | This field displays the override price entered for the core for the given exchange part at the time it was added to the repair order quote. |
CorePartNumber | This field displays the part number of the core for the given exchange part. |
CorePrice | This field displays the price of the core for the given exchange part. |
CoreReferenceMPO | This field displays the reference MPO associated with the core for the given exchange part. |
CoreSupplier | This field displays the supplier of the core for the given exchange part. |
Department | This field displays the department in which the given repair order quote was created. |
Division | This field displays the division in which the given repair order quote was created. |
EHCCharge | This field displays the total amount for the environmental handling charge on the given repair order quote. |
EHCCode | This field displays the code for the environmental handling charge added to the given part on the repair order quote. |
EHCDescription | This field displays the description of the environmental handling charge added to the given part on the repair order quote. |
ExtendedAverageCost | This field displays the extended average cost (average cost * quantity) of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
ExtendedPrice | This field displays the extended price (price * quantity or hourly rate * quantity) of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
ExtendedReplacementCost | This field displays the extended replacement cost (replacement cost * quantity) of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
ExtendedSellingCost | This field displays the extended selling cost (selling cost * quantity) of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
FillingBranch | This field displays the filling branch of the given part on the repair order quote. |
InsideSalesperson | This field displays the user name of the salesperson responsible for the potential sale of the given part on the repair order quote. |
IsInventory | This field displays whether the given detail item is a part in inventory. |
Item | This field displays the part number, technician number, or an identifying description of the given repair order quote detail item. |
ItemDescription | This field displays a description of the given repair order quote detail item. |
KitAssemblyTemplate | This field displays an indicator of whether the part is a kit, assembly, or template. Note that this field is not used in Fusion at this time. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the date on which the given detail item was last updated on the given repair order quote. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the user name of the user who last updated the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
Message | This field displays the message entered at the time the part or miscellaneous charge was added to the repair order quote. |
Method | This field displays the method, manual or percentage, of the given miscellaneous charge on the repair order quote. |
IsNoCharge | This field displays whether the given part detail record was added to the repair order quote at no charge. |
OEMPrice | This field displays the selling price for the customer of the given part that was received from the OEM in a price verification. |
OEMRebateAmount | This field displays the rebate amount received from the OEM in a price verification that the cost of the transaction can be reduced by. |
OutsideSalesperson | This field displays the user name of the outside salesperson associated with the customer on the given repair order quote. |
OverridePrice | This field displays the override price entered for the part or miscellaneous charge at the time it was added to the repair order quote. |
OverrideTaxStatus | This field displays the override tax status entered for the part or miscellaneous charge at the time it was added to the repair order quote. |
OwningCompanyName | This field displays the company name of the owning customer on the given repair order quote. |
OwningCustomer | This field displays the customer number of the owning customer on the given repair order quote. |
PartActionFlag | This field displays the part action flag selected when the given repair order detail item was selected to be added to the repair order quote. |
PartStockNumber | This field displays the stock number of the given part, which is used to uniquely identify a part that is tracked by serial number. Note that this field is not used in Fusion at this time. |
PartTechnician | This field displays the technician associated with the given part on the repair order quote. |
PartType | This field displays the part type of the given part on the given repair order quote. |
IsPartialFill | This field displays whether the given part detail record on the repair order quote will be partially filled. |
Percentage | This field displays the percentage that is applied to a specified value to determine the price of the given miscellaneous charge on the repair order quote. |
IsPolicyAdjustment | This field displays whether the given part on the repair order quote is for policy adjustment. |
Price | This field displays the price or hourly rate of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
ProductClass | This field displays the product class associated with the given miscellaneous charge on the repair order quote. |
ProductCode | This field displays the product code associated with the given part, which indicates user defined groups of parts. |
IsPulled | This field displays whether the given part will be pulled from inventory for the given repair order quote. |
Quantity | This field displays the quantity of the given detail item included on the given repair order quote. |
ReferenceMPO | This field displays the reference MPO associated with the given part or miscellaneous charge. |
RepairOrderNumber | This field displays the repair order number of the given repair order quote. |
ReplacementCost | This field displays the cost or replacement cost of the given detail item on the given repair order quote. |
SerialNumber | This field displays the serial number of the given part on the repair order quote. |
SerialStockType | This field displays the serial stock type associated with the given part on the repair order quote. |
Supplier | This field displays the supplier of the given part on the given repair order quote. |
TaskNumber | This field displays the task number that the given repair order quote detail item is associated with. |
TransactionType | This field displays the transaction type for the given repair order quote detail item. |
UnitNumber | This field displays the unit number of the unit that is being quoted to be serviced on the given repair order quote. |
UnitOfMeasure | This field displays the units in which the given part on the repair order quote is sold. |
UnitStockNumber | This field displays the stock number of the unit that is being quoted to be serviced on the given repair order quote. |
IsWarranty | This field displays whether the given part on the repair order quote is considered warranty. |
Weight | This field displays the weight of the given part on the repair order quote. |
Service Repair Order Quote Header
This data object is used to display the header records for all quoted repair orders in Fusion, and contains one record for each quote with summary information about the repair order included. This data object can be joined to Repair Order Quote Task and then to Repair Order Quote Details in order to view the detail information on the quote.
This information can be found in the repair order application in Fusion.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the given repair order quote was added to the system. |
ArrivalDateTime | This field displays the date on which the unit first arrived for service. |
AuthorizationNumber | This field displays the credit authorization number associated with the given repair order quote, from the billing customer tab in the repair order application. |
BillingCompanyName | This field displays the company name of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingContactName | This field displays the name of the contact associated with the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerAccountStatus | This field displays the current status of the customer account for the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerAddress | This field displays the street address of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerCity | This field displays the city of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerCountry | This field displays the country of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerCounty | This field displays the county of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerIndustryType | This field displays the industry type of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerNumber | This field displays the customer number of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerPostalCode | This field displays the postal code of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomerRegion | This field displays the region of the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
IsBillingCustomerWarranty | This field displays whether the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote is a warranty customer. |
BillingCustomerWorkPhone | This field displays the work phone number for the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
BillingHomePhone | This field displays the home phone number of the contact associated with the billing customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
Branch | This field displays the branch in which the given repair order quote was created. |
CompanyName | This field displays the company name of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CompletionDate | This field displays the date on which the given repair order quote was completed. |
ContactHomePhone | This field displays the home phone number of the contact associated with the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
ContactName | This field displays the name of the contact associated with the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
ContactWorkPhone | This field displays the work phone number of the contact associated with the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CreditReserve | This field displays the credit reserve amount associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerAccountStatus | This field displays the current status of the customer account for the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerAddress | This field displays the street address of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerBaseBranch | This field displays the base branch that the unit owning customer on the given repair order quote is associated with. |
CustomerCity | This field displays the city of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerEmailAddress | This field displays the email address provided for the customer on the given repair order quote. |
CustomerIndustryType | This field displays the industry type of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the customer number of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerPhone | This field displays the phone number for the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerPONumber | This field displays the customer purchase order number for the customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerPostalCode | This field displays the postal code of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
CustomerRegion | This field displays the region of the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote. |
IsCustomerWarranty | This field displays whether the unit owning customer associated with the given repair order quote is a warranty customer. |
Department | This field displays the department in which the given repair order quote was created. |
Division | This field displays the division in which the given repair order quote was created. |
FollowUpEmailFlag | This field displays whether the given repair order quote requires a follow up email. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the date on which the given repair order quote was last updated in the system. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the username of the user who last updated the given repair order quote. |
LPONumber | This field displays the local purchase order number associated with the given repair order quote. |
OriginalRONumber | This field displays the repair order number from the original repair order for repair orders that were created from another repair order. |
PaymentMethod | This field displays the method by which the quoted repair order will be paid by the billing customer, if followed through. |
PromisedDateTime | This field displays the date on which the given repair order quote was promised to be completed. |
QuoteAge | This field displays the age (current date - open date) of the given repair order quote. |
QuoteOpenDate | This field displays the date on which the given repair order quote was opened. |
QuoteStatus | This field displays the user defined status of the given repair order quote. |
QuoteTaskCount | This field displays the number of tasks that are associated with the given repair order quote. |
RemoteApplication | This field displays the name of the remote application that the given repair order quote was created by. |
RemoteEstimateID | This field displays the estimate id passed in during the creation of the given repair order quote by a remote application. |
RepairOrderNumber | This field displays the repair order number associated with the given quote. |
ROPromisedDays | This field displays the days left until the given repair order quote should be completed (promised date - current date). |
ROPromisedHours | This field displays the hours left until the given repair order quote should be completed (promised date - current date). |
SalesTaxSetting | This field displays whether sales tax will be applied to the given repair order quote based on the local tax body or the tax body associated with the billing customer. |
Salesperson | This field displays the salesperson associated with the given repair order quote, from the billing customer tab in the repair order application. |
ServiceWriter | This field displays the username of the user who created the given repair order quote. |
TaxBody | This field displays the tax body associated with the given repair order quote. |
TaxStatus | This field displays the tax status associated with the given repair order quote. |
TotalEHCCharges | This field displays the total amount quoted to the customer for EHC charges on the given repair order. |
TotalLaborCharges | This field displays the total amount quoted to the customer for labor on the given repair order. |
TotalLaborCost | This field displays the total cost of the quoted labor on the given repair order. |
TotalMiscellaneousCharges | This field displays the total amount quoted to the customer for miscellaneous charges on the given repair order. |
TotalMiscellaneousChargesCost | This field displays the total cost of the quoted miscellaneous charges on the given repair order. |
TotalPartsAverageCost | This field displays the total average cost of the quoted parts on the given repair order. |
TotalPartsCharges | This field displays the total amount quoted to the customer for parts on the given repair order. |
TotalPartsReplacementCost | This field displays the total replacement cost of the quoted parts on the given repair order. |
TotalPartsSellingCost | This field displays the total selling cost of the quoted parts on the given repair order. |
TotalROAverageCost | This field displays the total cost of all quoted charges on the given repair order (average cost for parts). |
TotalROCharges | This field displays the total amount quoted to the customer on the given repair order. |
TotalROReplacementCost | This field displays the total cost of all quoted charges on the given repair order (replacement cost for parts). |
TotalROSellingCost | This field displays the total cost of all quoted charges on the given repair order (selling cost for parts). |
TotalSalesTax | This field displays the total sales tax quoted on the given repair order. |
UnitCharacteristicType | This field displays the characteristic type of the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitECMReading | This field displays the ECM meter reading recorded for the unit at the time of the given repair order quote. |
UnitInServiceDate | This field displays the date on which the unit on the given repair order quote first went into service. |
UnitMake | This field displays the make of the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitMeterReading | This field displays the meter reading recorded for the unit at the time of the given repair order quote. |
UnitMeterType | This field displays the unit of measure associated with the meter reading for the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitModel | This field displays the model of the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitNumber | This field displays the unit number associated with the given repair order quote, owned by the unit owning customer. |
UnitSerialNumber | This field displays the serial number of the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitVIN | This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number associated with the unit on the given repair order quote. |
UnitYear | This field displays the year of the unit on the given repair order quote. |
Service Repair Order Quote Task
This data object is used to display the task information and task level totals for Repair Order Quotes from the Fusion business system. Join to Repair Order Quote Detail to view the detail item(s) on the given task or to Repair Order Quote Header to view the overall totals for the quote.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the date on which the given task was added to the given repair order quote. |
AddUser | This field displays the username of the user who added the given task to the given repair order quote. |
AlternateBillingCompanyName | This field displays the company name for the alternate billing customer on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
AlternateBillingCustomer | This field displays the identifying code for the alternate billing customer on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
IsAlwaysPayBillingHours | This field displays whether the technician should be paid based on the billing hours on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
BillingCompanyName | This field displays the company name for the billing customer on the given repair order quote. |
BillingCustomer | This field displays the identifying code for the billing customer on the given repair order quote. |
BillingHours | This field displays the number of hours which the customer will be billed for on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
BookHours | This field displays an alternate number of hours which the customer will be billed for on the given task on the given repair order quote, and are typically suggested from the OEM for a given repair. |
Branch | This field displays the branch in which the given repair order quote was created. |
CalculatedLaborRate | This field displays the labor rate which will be paid (override labor rate if there is one, labor rate if not) if the quoted work on the given task on the given repair order quote is performed. |
CallBackDays | This field displays the number of days which should be allowed for callback after the time of service on the given repair order quote. |
CauseComment | This field displays the cause comment entered on the details tab of the given task on the given repair order quote. |
ComebackReason | This field displays the reason entered to explain why the same unit has come back in to have a repeat repair performed. |
IsComebackRepair | This field displays whether the work being quoted on the given task is a comeback repair, meaning that a similar repair was performed on the same unit in the recent past. |
ComplaintComment | This field displays the complaint comment entered on the details tab of the given task on the given repair order quote. |
CorrectionComment | This field displays the correction comment entered on the details tab of the given task on the given repair order quote. |
Department | This field displays the department in which the given repair order quote was created. |
Division | This field displays the division in which the given repair order quote was created. |
EHCCharges | This field displays the total amount that the EHC charges on the given task will cost the customer on the given repair order quote. |
LaborAccounting | This field displays the accounting code which should be used for the labor postings for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
LaborQuote | This field displays the total amount that the labor for the given task is quoted to cost the customer (based on the Quotes group box on the given task). |
LaborRate | This field displays the default labor rate for the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
LaborRateCode | This field displays the identifying code for the labor rate associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
LaborRateCodeDescription | This field displays the description for the labor rate associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
LaborTotal | This field displays the total amount that will be billed for the labor on the given task on the given repair order quote (based on the billing or book hours and the labor rate on the given task). |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the date on which the given task was last updated on the given repair order quote. |
LastUpdateUser | This field displays the username of the user who last updated the given task on the given repair order quote. |
MiscellaneousCharges | This field displays the total price for the miscellaneous charges added to the given task on the given repair order quote. |
MiscellaneousChargesCost | This field displays the total cost for the miscellaneous charges added to the given task on the given repair order quote. |
OverrideLaborRate | This field displays the override labor rate, entered at the time of task creation, for the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
OverrideTaxStatus | This field displays the override tax status entered on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
OwningCompanyName | This field displays the company name for the owning customer on the given repair order quote. |
OwningCustomer | This field displays the identifying code for the owning customer on the given repair order quote. |
PartsAccounting | This field displays the accounting code which should be used for the parts postings for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
PartsActual | This field displays the total actual price for the parts added to the given task on the given repair order quote. |
PartsAverageCost | This field displays the total average cost of the parts on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
PartsQuote | This field displays the total amount that the parts for the given task are quoted to cost the customer. |
PartsReplacementCost | This field displays the total replacement cost of the parts on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
PartsSellingCost | This field displays the total selling cost, based on the company costing method set up in Fusion, of the parts on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
PartsTotal | This field displays the total amount that will be billed for the parts on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
RepairGroup | This field displays the identifying code for the repair group associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
RepairGroupDescription | This field displays the description for the repair group associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
RepairOrderNumber | This field displays the repair order number of the given repair order quote. |
RepairType | This field displays the identifying code for the repair type associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
RepairTypeDescription | This field displays the description for the repair type associated with the work being quoted on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
SRTCodes | This field displays a list of the Standard Repair Time codes added to the given task on the given repair order quote. |
TaskDepartment | This field displays the department that the given task on the given repair order quote is associated with (can differ from the department from the repair order quote header). |
TaskNumber | This field displays the task number of the given task on the given repair order quote. |
TaskStatus | This field displays the status of the given task on the given repair order quote. |
TotalActual | This field displays the total actual price for the parts and miscellaneous charges added to the given task on the given repair order quote. |
TotalAverageCost | This field displays the total cost of the parts and miscellaneous charges quoted on the given task, using the average cost for parts. |
TotalPrice | This field displays the total amount that will be billed for the parts, labor, and miscellaneous charges on the given task on the given repair order quote. |
TotalReplacementCost | This field displays the total cost of the parts and miscellaneous charges quoted on the given task, using the replacement cost for parts. |
TotalSellingCost | This field displays the total cost of the parts and miscellaneous charges quoted on the given task, using the company inventory costing method from Fusion for parts. |
UnitNumber | This field displays the unit number for the unit being quoted for service on the given repair order quote. |
IsUseBookHours | This field displays whether the book hours on the given task on the given repair order quote should be used when billing, rather than billing hours. |
VMRSCode | This field displays the VMRS code entered for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
VMRSCodeDescription | This field displays the description for the VMRS code entered for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
VMRSFailure | This field displays the VMRS failure description entered for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
VMRSReason | This field displays the VMRS reason description entered for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
VMRSTask | This field displays the VMRS task description entered for the given task on the given repair order quote. |
Service Repair Types
This data object is used to return all repair type information.
This information can be found in the Repair Type program within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDate | This field displays the Date and Time the given repair type was last updated in the system. |
AddUser | This field displays the user name that added the record. |
AlwaysPayIncentive | This field displays whether or not the company always pays an incentive to the technician. |
BillingHours | This field displays the billing hours of the task in which technician time is committed to. |
BookHours | This field displays the book hours associated with a given RO task. |
CallBackdays | This field displays the number of days that must pass before a task is flagged to be followed up on. |
CauseComment | This field displays the cause comments associated with a given task. |
ComplaintComment | This field displays the complaint comments associated with a repair task. |
CorrectionComment | This field displays the correction comments associated with the repair type. |
InActive | This field displays whether or not a given repair type is set to inactive. |
LaborQuote | This field displays the labor quote assigned to a task. |
LaborQuoteType | This field displays the quote type for labor for the given repair type. |
LaborRateCode | This field displays values which drive labor rate for a task. |
LastUpdateDate | This field displays the Date and Time the given repair type was added to the system. |
UpdateUser | This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update. |
MaximumComebackDays | This field displays the maximum number of days a repair can be brought in for comeback. |
NoAutoCharges | This field displays whether or not auto charges may occur. |
IsNonBillable | This field displays whether or not the repair type is nonbillable. |
OverrideTaxStatus | This field displays the tax status of a given repair order (taxable, exempt, etc.). |
PartsQuote | This field displays the parts quote assigned to a task. |
PartsQuoteType | This field displays the quote type for parts for the given repair type. |
PayOnlyGreaterIncentive | This field displays whether or not the company is only paying the greater incentive to the technician. |
PerformComebackCheck | This field displays whether or not a comeback check is required. |
PrintAllMiscChargeDetail | This field displays whether or not all miscellaneous charge detail is printed. |
PrintLaborDetail | This field displays whether or not the parts labor is printed. |
PrintPartsDetail | This field displays whether or not the parts detail is printed. |
PrintTaskSubtotals | This field displays whether or not the task subtotals are printed. |
PrintTasktotalOnly | This field displays whether or not only task totals are printed. |
RepairGroup | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair group in the database. |
RepairGroupDescription | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair group description in the database. |
RepairGroupMaximumComebackDays | This field displays whether or not a comeback check is required based on the repair group the given repair type is associated with. |
RepairGroupPerformComebackCheck | This field displays the maximum number of days the repair group can that the given repair type can be brought in for comeback. |
RepairType | This field displays the description of a particular repair type. |
RepairTypeDescription | This field displays the unique value indicating a repair type description in the database. |
VMRSCode | This field displays a code used to track equipment and maintenance. |
VMRSCodeDescription | This field give a brief description of the VMRS code. |
VMRSTask | This field defines what type of work is required by the VMRS code. |
WorkMixCategory | This field displays the Work Mix Category (Competitive, Maintenance, or Standard) associated with the repair type. |