The Report DataAccess API suite exposes GET requests to the Fusion DMS. The properties may vary by version. Control fields are listed at the beginning of each property set.
Field Properties
Key — This is the external name which will be used in a Unity API call.
Type — This helps determine what type the underlying functionality is such as “View” for the SQL SSR views.
HasReturn — This is a True/False indicator to show if the underlying functionality has return data for example from an RPC call.
ReturnType — This describes the data type of the return data for example from an RPC call.
DefaultSort — This determines the default sorting to use if one is not provided in the Unity call for example the output from calling a SQL SSR view.
DefaultPageSize — This is the number of rows to return if no page size was provided in the Unity call.
MaxPageSize — This is the maximum number of rows that can be returned in the Unity call.
Input — This is a list of the input variables to be used, each entry has a property for the name and data type.
Output — This is a list of the output variables provided, each entry has a property for the name and data type.
Fusion Version Specific Data Properties
Click the version(s) below to see version specific properties