NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

The Unit API currently supports the PUT method to update existing Units in Fusion

requires FUSION v3.59.0.0 or higher

PUT Method

To update a single unit:{version}/unityapi/unitinventory/unit

To update multiple units:{version}/unityapi/unitinventory/units

Usage and Limitations

  • The Unit API will allow updates to both the Unit record and the Unit Inventory record.
  • Requests require a property called “Identifier” that will contain one or more properties that will be used to identify the unit being updated. The API will attempt to resolve the identifier field(s) in a particular precedence and attempts to use the first one found. See hierarchy below:
    • UnitInventoryID, else
      • UnitID, else
        • CustomerKey
        • CustomerBranchCode
        • Unit Number
  • Last Update Date will be updated to the current date/time.
  • Lase Update User will be updated to the Fusion User obtained from the Authorization token passed in with the API call.


  • The table below contains the possible valid Identifiers for the Unit API..
    • If the API cannot find a corresponding Unit and Unit Inventory record, an exception is thrown and the update request is not processed, marked with a 400 Bad Request status.
Identifier DataType Comments
UnitID string This is the unique database id for the Unit, the API will find the currently active Unit Inventory record for the specified Unit.  For Fusion, the API expects this string to contain an integer and will throw an Exception if it contains a non-Integer value.
UnitInventoryID string This is the unique database id for the Unit Inventory, the API will find the corresponding Unit record for the specified Unit Inventory.  For Fusion, the API expects this string to contain an integer and will throw an Exception if it contains a non-Integer value.
UnitNumber string This is used in conjunction with the “CustomerKey” and “CustomerBranchCode” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “CustomerKey” and “CustomerBranchCode”.
CustomerKey string This is used in conjunction with the “UnitNumber” and “CustomerBranchCode” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “UnitNumber” and “CustomerBranchCode”.
CustomerBranchCode string This is used in conjunction with the “CustomerKey” and “UnitNumber” fields, the API will use these three fields to locate the matching Unit Inventory record and then the corresponding Unit record.  This field cannot be used by itself, it can only be used in conjunction with “CustomerKey” and “UnitNumber”. 


After a valid Identifier has been passed, the following properties can be updated on the specified Unit/Unit Inventory Record.

Name DataType Validation Rules/Comments
VIN string If there is a length specified for the Unit’s Manufacturer then the API will ensure the updated value conforms to that length.  If the Manufacturer is also being updated in this request, then the VIN length requirement from the new Manufacturer is used.  If the Unit already has a non-blank VIN present then an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.  VIN cannot be null.
ProductionYear integer ProductionYear must be a valid year component of a DateTime variable; must be a 4 digit number between 1753 and 9999.
Model string The API will verify that the Manufacturer/Make/Model combination is valid before applying the update.  If Make and/or Manufacturer is also being updated then those values are used when performing this check.
Make string The API will verify that the Manufacturer/Make/Model combination is valid before applying the update.  If Model and/or Manufacturer is also being updated then those values are used when performing this check.
Manufacturer string The API will verify that the Manufacturer/Make/Model combination is valid before applying the update.  If Make and/or Manufacturer is also being updated then those values are used when performing this check.
MeterType string The API will lookup the MeterType and if found it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
LotLocation string This is used in conjunction with LotLocationBranchCode, the API will ensure that a valid LotLocation can be found using both properties and if found it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
LotLocationBranchCode string This is used in conjunction with LotLocation, the API will ensure that a valid LotLocation can be found using both properties and if found it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
CharacteristicType string The API will lookup the CharacteristicType and if found it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
PurchaseCost decimal The API will ensure the value is greater than or equal to zero and if so it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
ActualCashValue decimal The API will ensure the value is greater than or equal to zero and if so it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.
UnitType string The API will lookup the UnitType and if found it will apply the update, if not an Exception is thrown and the update request is not completed.


The response will include the Identifier information specified in the request, as well as a Status field and a message to indicate the outcome of the update request.

Name DataType DEscription  
CustomerKey string This is the Fusion Customer Number  
CustomerBranchCode string This is the branch of the customer  
UnitNumber string This is used in conjunction with the “CustomerKey” and “CustomerBranchCode” fields  
UnitID string This is the unique database id for the Unit  
UnitInventoryID string This is the unique database id for the Unit Inventory, the API will find the corresponding Unit record for the specified Unit Inventory.   
Status string    
Message string    

Sample PUT Request (Single Unit)

		"UnitId": "19052"
	"Vin": "1122180419",
	"ProductionYear": "2020",
	"Model": "Edge",
	"LotLocation": "East Side",
	"LotLocationBranchCode": "01",
	"CharacteristicType":"White Truck",

Response Code (200 OK) (Single Unit)

	"CustomerKey": null,
	"CustomerBranchCode": null,
	"UnitNumber": null,
	"UnitId": "19052",
	"UnitInventoryId": null,
	"Status": "Success",
	"Message": "All good here"

Sample PUT Request (Single Unit - Specific Fields)

			"UnitID": "9422"
		"LotLocation": "East",
		"LotLocationBranchCode": "01"

Response Code (200 OK) (Single Unit)

		"CustomerKey": null,
		"CustomerBranchCode": null,
		"UnitNumber": null,
		"UnitID": "9422",
		"UnitInventoryID": null,
		"Status": "Success"
		"Message": "All good here"

Sample PUT Request (Multiple Units)

			"UnitId": "19052"
		"Vin": "1122180419",
		"ProductionYear": "2020",
		"Model": "Edge",
		"LotLocation": "East Side",
		"LotLocationBranchCode": "01",
		"CharacteristicType":"White Truck",
			"UnitId": "19072"
		"Vin": "1122180420",
		"ProductionYear": "2020",
		"Model": "Edge",
		"LotLocation": "West Side",
		"LotLocationBranchCode": "01",
		"CharacteristicType":"White Truck",

Response Code (200 OK) (Multiple Units)

		"CustomerKey": null,
		"CustomerBranchCode": null,
		"UnitNumber": null,
		"UnitId": "19052",
		"UnitInventoryId": null,
		"Status": "Success",
		"Message": "All good here"
		"CustomerKey": null,
		"CustomerBranchCode": null,
		"UnitNumber": null,
		"UnitId": "19072",
		"UnitInventoryId": null,
		"Status": "Success",
		"Message": "All good here"

Sample PUT Request (Multiple Units - Specific Fields)

			"UnitId": "9422"
		"LotLocation": "East",
		"LotLocationBranchCode": "01"
			"UnitId": "9433"
		"LotLocation": "West",
		"LotLocationBranchCode": "01"

Response Code (200 OK) (Multiple Units)

		"CustomerKey": null,
		"CustomerBranchCode": null,
		"UnitNumber": null,
		"UnitId": "9422",
		"UnitInventoryId": null,
		"Status": "Success",
		"Message": "All good here"
		"CustomerKey": null,
		"CustomerBranchCode": null,
		"UnitNumber": null,
		"UnitId": "9433",
		"UnitInventoryId": null,
		"Status": "Success",
		"Message": "All good here"