NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object returns the detail information for all open (unpaid balance) accounts receivable invoices, unvoided, voided, or reopened, along with all unapplied payments.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AgeCategory This field displays the Aging category the invoice falls in, based on the Due date of the invoice.
InvAgeCategory This field displays the Aging category the invoice falls in based on the Invoice date of the invoice.
BranchCode This field displays the branch the given invoice originated from.
CompanyName This field displays the company name of the customer.
CreditLimit This field displays the credit limit allowed for a given A/R customer.
CustomerBaseBranch This field displays the customer base branch assigned to the given customer.
CustomerKey This field displays the identifier associated with the customer on the given AR Invoice within Fusion.
CustomerPONumber This field displays the purchase order number used by a customer.
DaysOld This field displays the difference between the invoice due date and the current date.
InvDaysOld This field displays the difference between the invoice date (or void date for a voided invoice) and the current date.
Department This field displays the department associated with the given invoice.
DiscountAmount This field displays the total discount allowed on the payment of a given A/R invoice.
IsDisputeInvoice This field displays whether the given invoice is flagged as disputed and therefore cannot have a payment applied to it.
GrossMargin This field displays the gross profit margin of the invoice ((P-C)/P * 100 where P is the total price of all the associated items on the invoice, before tax, and where C is the total cost of all the associated items on the invoice, before tax).
InvoiceBalance This field displays the remaining balance due on the invoice.
InvoiceDate This field displays the invoice date for the given record (displays void date if the given invoice is a voided invoice).
InvoiceDescription This field displays the invoice type of the given invoice, followed by the invoice number (or ‘Unapplied Payment for Customer:’ followed by the company name of the customer and the reference associated with the unapplied payment).
InvoiceDueDate This field displays the date on which the given invoice is due.
InvoiceNumber This field displays the invoice number of the given invoice.
Amount This field displays the total amount owed on the original invoice, regardless of payments made.
InvoiceType This field displays a reference to the type of the invoice, based on the module of Fusion in which the invoice was created, along with whether the invoice is a voided invoice (Parts Order Invoice, Parts Order Invoice Void, Fuel Invoice, etc.).
InvoiceUser This field displays the user who created the invoice.
NumberPayments This field displays the total number of payments that have been applied to the given invoice.
OriginalDueDate This field displays the date on which an A/R Invoice was originally due.
OutSideSalesPerson This field displays the outside salesperson who made the sale for a given invoice (populated for Parts Orders, Repair Orders, Lease Contracts, and Sales Invoices).
PaidAmount This field displays the total amount paid, or the sum of all payments made, for the given invoice.
PaymentMethod This field displays the payment method used by a customer.
PaymentTerm This field displays the payment term attached to a given A/R invoice.
SeparateStatement This field displays whether or not the given customer is flagged to receive a statement separately from the parent customer associated with them.
PaymentBalance This field displays the remaining payment balance left on an unapplied payment.
UserDefinedPaymentMethod This field displays the payment method for a customer, as defined by the user.