This data object is used to display all addresses stored within the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddDateTime | This field displays the date and time the address was added. |
AddUser | This field displays the user name that added the record. |
AddressType | This field displays the address type (Bill-To, Ship-To, Remit-To, Physical). |
City | This field displays the city of the address. |
Country | This field displays the country of the address. |
County | This field displays the county of the address. |
EntityType | This field displays the application the given address originated from. |
Inactive | This field displays whether or not a given address is set to inactive. |
LastUpdateTime | This field displays the date the given record was last updated. |
UpdateUser | This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update. |
PostalCode | This field displays the postal code of the given address. |
IsPrimary | This field displays whether or not an address is a customer’s primary address. |
Region | This field displays the region of the given address. |
Salesperson | This field displays the username of the salesperson associated with the given address. |
Street1 | This field displays address line one of the given address. |
Street2 | This field displays address line two of the given address. |
TaxBody | This field displays the tax body associated with the given address. |
Territory | This field displays the territory in which the given customer address is located. |
OverrideTaxStatus | This field displays the Override tax status for the address. REQ: Fusion Version 3.62.3 |
Verified | This field indicates if an addrtes has been verified REQ: Fusion Version 3.62.3 |