NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to display all addresses stored within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddDateTime This field displays the date and time the address was added.
AddUser This field displays the user name that added the record.
AddressType This field displays the address type (Bill-To, Ship-To, Remit-To, Physical).
City This field displays the city of the address.
Country This field displays the country of the address.
County This field displays the county of the address.
EntityType This field displays the application the given address originated from.
Inactive This field displays whether or not a given address is set to inactive.
LastUpdateTime This field displays the date the given record was last updated.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
PostalCode This field displays the postal code of the given address.
IsPrimary This field displays whether or not an address is a customer’s primary address.
Region This field displays the region of the given address.
Salesperson This field displays the username of the salesperson associated with the given address.
Street1 This field displays address line one of the given address.
Street2 This field displays address line two of the given address.
TaxBody This field displays the tax body associated with the given address.
Territory This field displays the territory in which the given customer address is located.
OverrideTaxStatus This field displays the Override tax status for the address. REQ: Fusion Version 3.62.3
Verified This field indicates if an addrtes has been verified REQ: Fusion Version 3.62.3