NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

The Data Access API suite exposes self-service reporting views via Unity APIs.


The Data Access API suite exposes GET requests.


Unity handles all requests through a single endpoint.{version}/unityapi/frw/{viewname}?{*parameters*}


Version: API Version; v1 as of June 30, 2019

Viewname: the viewname field is identified by the “Key” property in Data Field Properties file (version specific).

Parameters: Parameters are further defined below in sections Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination


Filters (WHERE criteria) are specified as querystring parameters.

  • Filter values and column names that contain spaces or special characters must be URL encoded.
  • The filter parameter is only specified once for either a single filter criteria or multiple.
  • When multiple filter criteria is used, parameters should be separated by commas.
  • If call contains multiple filter criteria, they will be joined via “AND.”
  • When using the IN operator, selection criteria is pipe “|” separated.


EQ Equals
LT Less Than
LTE Less Than or Equal To
GT Greater Than
GTE Greater Than or Equal To
NE Not Equal To

Example Parameters

Parameter Description
filter=invoice_id[EQ]123456 for results where Invoice ID 123456
filter=invoice_id[LTE]123456,invoice_status[EQ]open for results where Invoice ID < 123456, and Invoice Status Open
filter=invoice_date[GT]01-01-2019,invoice_status[IN]paid|posted for results where Invoice Date > 01/01/2019, and Invoice Status is either Paid or Posted

Filtering NULL values The operations [EQ] and [NE] support the keyword “NULL” |filter=invoice_id[EQ]NULL | for results where Invoice ID contains a NULL | |filter=invoice_id[NE]NULL | for results where Invoice ID contains some data |


The sort parameter is only specified once, for either single or multiple columns. When multiple sort criteria is used, parameters should be separated by commas.

  • Default sort order ASCENDING.
  • To change sort order to DESCENDING, precede column name with - (minus sign).

    Example Parameters

Parameter Description
sort=invoice_id to sort results in ASCENDING order by Invoice ID
sort=-invoice_status,-invoice_id to sort results in DESCENDING order by Invoice Status, then DESCENDING order by Invoice ID


The select parameter is used for accessing a specified subset of columns in a data view. The subset list of desired columns is delimited by a comma.


Example Parameters

Parameter Description
select=UserName would return a data set with exclusively username fields
select=UserName,FirstName,LastName would return a data set with UserName, FirstName, and LastName fields

Conflicts with Sorting

When using the sort parameter, it is important to make sure each sort column is selected. If a sort column is not included in the select parameter the request will fail.

  • EX: select=UserName&sort=UserId Will fail!
  • EX: select=UserName,FirstName,LastName&sort=UserId,AddDate Will fail!
  • EX: select=UserName,FirstName,LastName&sort=UserId,LastName Will fail!
  • EX: select=UserName,UserId&sort=UserId Will pass!
  • EX: select=UserName,UserId,LastName&sort=UserId,UserName Will pass!

Automatic Sort Behavior

Data sets have a default sort column pre-defined. When using the Select parameter and NOT using the sort parameter, the data will either be sorted using the pre-defined default sort (if it is included in the Select parameter) or the first column provided in the Select parameter.


Paging of the result set is handled by specifying page size and page number in the request.

  • Page numbering begins at 1.
  • Requests for a page beyond the available data will return an empty result.
  • Each view defines maximum page size (in Unity View Properties, attached). Requests greater than maximum page size will revert to maximum page size when results are returned.

Example Parameters

Parameter Description
page=1&pagesize=100 start at page 1 and return 100 results
page=12&pagesize=500 start at page 12 and return 500 results


Aliasing can be used to rename the columns received from Unity. Simply select a column and provide a new name in the following format: select={columnname}:{newname}

It is possible to use more than one alias at a time:



select=UserName and with alias: select=UserName:User

	{ "UserName": "MyUser"},
    { "UserName": "MyUser2"}

	{ "User": "MyUser"},
	{ "User": "MyUser2"}


        "User": "MyUser"
        "ID": "1"
        "Birthday": "03-02-1973"
    	"User": "MyUser2"
        "ID": "2"
        "Birthday": "01-21-1985"