This data object is used to display all parts order header records.
This information is located within the Parts Order program in the Fusion business system.
Field Details…
SQL Field Name | Column Description |
AddUser | This field displays the username of the user who added the given parts order to Fusion or, for invoiced parts orders, displays the username of the user who added the original parts order, pre-invoicing, to Fusion. Note that at this point this field is not exposed in Fusion. |
AverageCost | This field displays the total average cost of the given parts order. |
AverageCostGrossProfit | This field displays the gross profit of the given parts order based on average cost. |
AverageCostGrossProfitMargin | This field displays the gross profit margin of the given parts order based on average cost. |
BillingCompanyName | This field displays the name of a billing company for a parts order. |
BillingContactName | This field displays the contact name for a billing customer. |
BillingCustomerAccountStatus | This field displays the status of an account for a billing customer. |
BillingCustomerNumber | This field displays the Customer Number of a billing customer for a parts order. |
BillingHomePhone | This field displays the billing customer’s home phone number. |
BillingWorkPhone | This field displays the billing customer’s work phone number. |
Branch | This field displays the branch associated with the parts order. |
CanadianTaxID | This field displays the Canadian tax ID listed on the customer form or entered at the time of invoicing. |
CompanyName | This field displays the company name associated with the customer on the parts order. |
ContactHomePhone | This field displays the contact’s home phone number. |
ContactName | This field displays the contact’s name. |
ContactWorkPhone | This field displays the contact’s work phone number. |
CreationDate | This field displays the date on which a parts order was created. |
CustomerAccountStatus | This field displays the status of a customer account for a parts order. |
CustomerNumber | This field displays the identifying number attached to a customer. |
CustomerPO | This field displays the customer purchase order associated with an invoiced sale. |
DeliveryDate | This field displays the delivery date assigned to the given parts order. |
Department | This field displays the department associated with a parts order. |
Division | This field displays the company division associated with the given parts order. |
InvoiceDate | This field displays the invoice date of the given parts order. |
InvoiceNumber | If present, this field displays the invoice number of the parts order. |
InvoiceUser | This field displays the username of the user who invoiced or voided the given invoiced or voided parts order. |
ItemsReadyforPickup | This field displays whether or not items on a parts order are ready for pickup. |
LastUpdate | This field displays the date the parts order Header was last updated. Note, at this point in time this field is not exposed in Fusion. |
UpdateUser | This field displays the username of the user who last updated the header of the given parts order or, for invoiced parts orders, displays the username of the user who last updated the given invoice. Note that at this point this field is not exposed in Fusion. |
IsLocal | This field displays whether or not a given parts order is local. |
LPO | This field displays the local purchase order number tied to the parts order if one exists. |
OrderStatus | This field displays the status of an order on a miscellaneous purchase order. |
OrderSubtotal | This field displays the order total not including tax. |
OrderTotal | This field displays the total amount for a parts order. |
OutsidePartsSalesperson | This field displays the outside parts salesperson attached to a given parts order. |
PartsAccounting | This field displays the alternate parts accounting if any has been selected. |
PartsOrderNumber | This field displays the number attached to a given parts order. |
PartnerOrderNumber | This field displays the order number supplied by the partner |
PaymentMethod | This field displays the payment method of the given parts order. |
PickupDeliveryMethod | This field displays how a parts order will reach the customer. |
QuebecTaxID | This field displays the Quebec tax ID listed on the customer form or entered at the time of invoicing. |
ReplacementCost | This field displays the total replacement cost of the given parts order. |
ReplacementCostGrossProfit | This field displays the gross profit of the given parts order based on replacement cost. |
ReplacementCostGrossProfitMargin | This field displays the gross profit margin of the given parts order based on replacement cost. |
SalesTaxTotal | This field displays the total amount of sales tax charged for a parts order. |
SalesTerritory | This field displays the sales territory associated with a part order. |
ShipToAddress1 | This field displays line one of the customer’s shipping address, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToAddress2 | This field displays line two of the customer’s shipping address, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToCity | This field displays the customer’s shipping city, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToCustomerName | This field displays the ship-to company name, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToEmail | This field displays the ship-to email address, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToFax | This field displays the ship-to fax number, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToOfficePhone | This field displays the ship-to office phone number, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToPostalCode | This field displays the customer’s shipping postal code, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToRegion | This field displays the customer’s shipping region, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
ShipToShopPhone | This field displays the ship-to shop phone, found on the address entry tab of parts order. |
Source | This field displays the source from which the given parts order originated. Valid sources are: Parts Counter, Business Online, WHI, Channel Advisor, EDI, and DTNA. |
TaxBody | This field displays the tax body associated with a customer address. |
TaxCode | This field displays the tax code assigned to a customer. |
Territory | This field displays the territory field found on the billing customer tab of the parts order. |
TrackingNumber | This field displays the tracking number entered in the Tracking Number field in the header of the parts order. |
IsVoided | This field display wether the the given parts order has been voided or not. |