NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to display all parts transaction records from the Fusion business system.

Transactions where the price level fields were updated due to pricing changes will have the field column set to be “blank”, and you can see the changes by referencing the price level and previous price level fields.

This information can be found in the Parts Transactions program within the Fusion business system. 



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
Application This field displays the application in which the part transaction originated.
AverageCost This field displays the parts new average cost after the transaction occurred.
PartBranch This field displays the branch associated with the part transaction.
DateTime This field displays the date on which the part transaction took place.
PartDescription This field displays the description of the part the transactions is for.
Difference This field displays the difference between the new and old value (New Value - Old Value).
ChangedField This field displays the name of the parts inventory field that was changed as a part of the part transaction.  Transactions where the price level fields were updated due to pricing changes will have the field column set to be “blank”, and you can see the changes by referencing the price level and previous price level fields.
InherentAverageCost This field displays the Inherent Average Cost of core records.
InherentReplacementCost This field displays the Inherent Replacement Cost of core records.
ListPrice This field displays the given part’s new list price at the time the transaction took place based on the parts cost change.  This value would be different from Previous List Price on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
NewValue This field displays the New Value based on the Changed field.
OldValue This field displays the Old Value based on the Changed field.
PartNumber This field displays the part number of the part transaction is for.
PartType This field displays the type of a part.
PreviousAverageCost This field displays the average cost of the given part prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousInherentAverageCost This field displays the average cost of the inherent core associated with the given part prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousInherentReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of the inherent core associated with the given part prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousListPrice This field displays the given part’s list price prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice1 This field displays the given part’s price level 1 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice2 This field displays the given part’s price level 2 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice3 This field displays the given part’s price level 3 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice4 This field displays the given part’s price level 4 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice5 This field displays the given part’s price level 5 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice6 This field displays the given part’s price level 6 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousPrice7 This field displays the given part’s price level 7 prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousQuantityAvailable This field displays the quantity available of the given part prior to the transaction taking place.
PreviousReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of the given part prior to the transaction taking place.
Price1 This field displays the given part’s new price level 1 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 1 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price2 This field displays the given part’s new price level 2 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 2 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price3 This field displays the given part’s new price level 3 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 3 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price4 This field displays the given part’s new price level 4 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 4 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price5 This field displays the given part’s new price level 5 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 5 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price6 This field displays the given part’s new price level 6 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 6 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
Price7 This field displays the given part’s new price level 7 at the time the transaction took place.  This value would be different from Previous Price 7 on transactions where replacement cost was changed and price were recalculated.
QuantityAdjustmentReason This field displays the description of reasoning behind a quantity adjustment.
QuantityAvailable This field displays the quantity available of the part at the time the transaction took place.
ReplacementCost This field displays the parts new replacement cost after the transaction occurred.
SourceDocument This field displays the Invoice Number or Price File record that initiated the change.
Supplier This field displays the supplier associated with the given part transaction.
SupplierName This field displays the supplier’s name.
ChangeAction This field displays the type of parts transaction that was completed (add, update, delete, merge).
Username This field displays the user responsible for the parts transaction.