NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

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Parts Inventory

This data object is used to display a concise view of all branch specific parts inventory records. More fields related to these records can be viewed in the Parts Inventory Extended view.

This information comes from the Parts Inventory application in the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
PartsInventoryDetailID PartsInventoryDetailID Identifier field.
PartNumber This field displays the part number of the given parts inventory record.
PartType This field displays the part type of the given parts inventory record.
SupplierCode This field displays the supplier of the given parts inventory record.
SupplierID SupplierID Identifier field.
Description This field displays the description of the given parts inventory record.
CorePartsInventoryID CorePartsInventoryID Identifier field.
PartsInventoryID PartsInventoryID Identifier field.
BranchCode This field displays the branch code of the branch that the given parts inventory record is associated with.
BranchID BranchID Identifier field.
QuantityAvailable This field displays the quantity available for the given parts inventory record.
QuantityCommitted This field displays the quantity that has been committed to open orders for the given parts inventory record.
QuantityOnOrder This field displays the quantity that has been requested on open orders to vendors for the given parts inventory record.
QuantityOnBackOrder This field displays the quantity that has been committed to open orders, but is not currently available in stock, for the given parts inventory record.
AverageCost This field displays the average cost or, if average cost is zero, the replacement cost of the given part.
ReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of the given part.
Price1 This field displays the level 1, or highest, resale price for the given part.
Price2 This field displays the level 2 resale price for the given part.
Price3 This field displays the level 3 resale price for the given part.
Price4 This field displays the level 4 resale price for the given part.
Price5 This field displays the level 5 resale price for the given part.
Price6 This field displays the level 6 resale price for the given part.
Price7 This field displays the level 7, or lowest, resale price for the given part.
ListPrice This field displays the manufacturer’s list price for the given parts inventory record.
CorePartsInventoryDetailID CorePartsInventoryDetailID Identifier field.
InherentCoreAverageCost This field displays the inherent core average cost of the given part’s inherent core or, if inherent core average cost is zero, displays the replacement cost of the inherent core.
BinLocation This field displays the bin location for the given parts inventory record.
Inactive This field displays whether the given parts inventory record is set to inactive.
StockStatusID StockStatusID Identifier field.
BarCode This field displays the bar code for the given parts inventory record.
AlternateSupplierID AlternateSupplierID Identifier field.
SellPackage This field displays the package size in which the given part is sold to customers.
IsInventory IsInventory Identifier field.
AddUser This field displays the username of the user who added the given parts inventory record.
AddDate This field displays the date on which the given parts inventory record was added.
LastUpdateUser This field displays the username of the user who last updated the given parts inventory record.
LastUpdateDate This field displays the date on which the given parts inventory record was last updated.
AlternateBin This field displays the alternate bin location of the part.
CharacteristicType This field displays the Characteristic Type that is associated with a Master Parts Inventory Record. The Characteristic Types are setup INV91110 Parts Inventory Characteristic Type and controls which characteristics can be tracked for specific parts.
PriceBreakCost This field represents the cost of the part that the user can order it at when placing a purchase order for a specific quantity. This quantity is usually a larger or package quantity so the cost is lower for ordering in bulk.
PriceBreakQuantity This field represents the quantity of the part that the user should order to receive the Price Break Cost when purchasing parts from a vendor.
ExcessQuantityAvailable This field will display the amount of excess quantity available of the part. Excess Quantity Available is any Quantity Available above the part?s Order Point if it is a Buy Time Purchase Method or above the part?s Maximum Quantity if it is a Min/Max Purchase Method and the Stock Status is ?Stock?. If the Part is not a Stock Status of ?Stock? then any quantity available is considered excess.

Inventory Extended

This data object is used to display all branch specific parts inventory records and all relevant fields corresponding to the given parts inventory record from Fusion.

This information comes from the Parts Inventory application in the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
13MonthManualPicks This field displays the number of manually entered picks for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthManualSales This field displays the number of manually entered sales for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthPicks This field displays the number of picks for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthSales This field displays the number of sales for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthTotalLostSales This field displays the total of lost sales for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthTotalPicks This field displays the total of picks (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
13MonthTotalSales This field displays the total of sales (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current month plus the preceding 12 months.
AccountingGroup This field displays the accounting group to which the given part belongs.
AddDate This field displays the date on which the given parts inventory record was added to Fusion (this is a system generated field, which is displayed at the bottom of the Parts Inventory application).
AddUser This field displays the username of the user who added the given parts inventory record to Fusion.
AlternateBin This field displays a list of all Alternate Bins that are associated with the given part record. The alternate bin locations returned in the list are seperated by a comma.
AlternateDescription This field displays the alternate description, if one exists, for the given part from the inventory control tab on the part record.
AlternateSupplier This field displays the alternate supplier, if one exists, for the given part.
Assembly The 3 digit number that identifies the part; this is a generic term for the part that differs from the manufacturer part number, e.g., front brake lining.
AverageCost This field displays the average cost of the given part or, if average cost is zero, displays the replacement cost of that part.
AverageLeadTime This field displays the average lead time for the given part from the purchase control tab on the part record.
BarCode This field displays the bar code associated with the given part.
BarCodeMultiplier This field displays the bar code multiplier for the given part from the purchase control tab on the part record.
BinLocation This field displays the bin location where the given part is stored.
BranchCode This field displays the branch that the given parts inventory record is associated with.
BrandID Reporting field used by Mack/Volvo to determine the part’s price file origin.
CurrencyExchangeBroker This field displays the currency exchange broker associated with the given part.
BuyPackage This field displays the buy package size for the given part from the purchase control tab on the part record.
BuyTime This field displays the buy time of the given part from the purchase control tab on the part record.
CharacteristicType This field displays the Characteristic Type that is associated with a Master Parts Inventory Record. The Characteristic Types are setup INV91110 Parts Inventory Characteristic Type and controls which characteristics can be tracked for specific parts.
Code1 This field displays the code 1 associated with the given part.
Code2 This field displays the code 2 associated with the given part.
Code3 This field displays the code 3 associated with the given part.
Code4 This field displays the code 4 associated with the given part.
Code5 This field displays the code 5 associated with the given part.
Component The 3 digit number used to further identify the System, e.g., front brakes.
CoreAverageCost This field displays the average cost of the core associated with the given part or, if average cost of the core is zero, displays the replacement cost of the core.
CoreDescription This field displays the description of the core associated with the given part.
CoreListPrice This field displays the list price of the core associated with the given part.
CorePartNumber This field displays the part number of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice1 This field displays the price 1 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice2 This field displays the price 2 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice3 This field displays the price 3 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice4 This field displays the price 4 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice5 This field displays the price 5 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice6 This field displays the price 6 of the core associated with the given part.
CorePrice7 This field displays the price 7 of the core associated with the given part.
CoreReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of the core associated with the given part.
CoreSupplier This field displays the supplier of the core associated with the given part.
CountryOfOrigin This field displays the country from which the given part originates.
CurMonthManualPicks This field displays the number of manually entered picks for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthManualSales This field displays the number of manually entered sales for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthPicks This field displays the number of picks for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthSales This field displays the number of sales for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthTotalLostSales This field displays the total of lost sales for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthTotalPicks This field displays the total of picks (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current month.
CurMonthTotalSales This field displays the total of sales (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current month.
CurYearManualPicks This field displays the number of manually entered picks for the given part in the current year.
CurYearManualSales This field displays the number of manually entered sales for the given part in the current year.
CurYearPicks This field displays the number of picks for the given part in the current year.
CurYearSales This field displays the number of sales for the given part in the current year.
CurYearTotalLostSales This field displays the total of lost sales for the given part in the current year.
CurYearTotalPicks This field displays the total of picks (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current year.
CurYearTotalSales This field displays the total of sales (automatic and manual) for the given part in the current year.
CurrencyCode This field displays the currency code associated with the given part.
DateAdded This field displays the date on which the given part record was added to inventory, from the purchase control tab in the part record (this date can be manually updated, so could differ from Add Date).
DaysOfStock This field displays the number of days of stock that should be in inventory for the given part, from the purchase control tab in the part record.
DaysOutMTD This field displays the number of days during the current month that the given part has been out of stock, from the purchase control tab in the part record.
Description This field displays the description associated with the given part.
DutyCode This field displays the duty code to be used if the given part is purchased in another currency.
EHCCode This field displays the name of the environmental handling charge to be charged when the given part is purchased.
ExcessQuantityAvailable This field will display the amount of excess quantity available of the part. Excess Quantity Available is any Quantity Available above the part’s Order Point if it is a Buy Time Purchase Method or above the part’s Maximum Quantity if it is a Min/Max Purchase Method and the Stock Status is “Stock”. If the Part is not a Stock Status of “Stock” then any quantity available is considered excess.
ExcludeFromCostMatrix This field displays whether the given part is excluded from cost matrix pricing.
ExcludeFromCurrencyExchange This field displays whether the given part is excluded from currency exchange.
ExcludefromPartsASIST Controls whether parts will be excluded when gathering data for Mack/Volvo PartsASIST messages.
ExcludeFromPriceRounding This field displays whether the given part is excluded from price rounding.
ExcludeFromVelocityPricing This field displays whether the given part is excluded from velocity pricing.
FreezeDate This field displays the date through which the line point, order point, and order quantity calculations should be frozen.
IsFleetStockingPartFreight This field displays whether the given part is flagged as a Freightliner fleet stocking list part.
IsMissionCriticalPartFreightLiner This field displays whether the given part is a mission critical Freightliner part, as indicated on the OEM control tab in the part record.
IsRecommendedStockingPartFreightLiner This field displays whether the given part is flagged as a Freightliner recommended stocking list part.
FullBinQuantity This field displays the quantity of the given part in a full bin, as indicated on the OEM control tab.
ImportCost This field displays the cost at which the given part was imported into the country.
ImportFreightMultiplier This field displays the freight multiplier to be used if the given part was purchased in another currency.
Inactive This field displays whether the given part record has been set to inactive.
InherentCoreAverageCost This field displays the inherent core average cost of the core associated with the given part or, if the inherent core average cost is zero, displays the replacement cost of the core.
InventoryClass This field displays the inventory class in which the given part is categorized.
JobQuantity This field displays the minimum quantity of the given part needed to complete one service job.
KitType This field displays whether the given part has a kit type of kit, assembly, or part.
LastAveragingQuantity This field displays the quantity of the given part that the latest average cost was based on.
LastCountDate This field displays the date on which the given part was last counted.
LastLifoCost This field displays the last LIFO cost of the given part.
LastLifoDate This field displays the date on which the last LIFO cost of the given part was recorded.
LastOrderedDate This field displays the date on which the given part was last ordered.
LastOutOfStockDateGMT This field displays the date on which the given part was last out of stock.
LastPriceChangeDate This field displays the date on which the price of the given part was last changed.
LastPriceFileUpdate This field displays the date on which the price file for the given part was last updated.
LastPuchaseCost This field displays the purchase cost of the given part the last time it was purchased.
LastReceivedDate This field displays the date on which the given part was last received into inventory.
LastReplacementCostChangeDate This field displays the date on which the replacement cost of the given part was last changed.
LastSoldDate This field displays the date on which the given part was last sold (present on a parts order or a repair order at the time of invoicing).
LastUpdateDate This field displays the date on which the given parts inventory record was last updated in Fusion.
LastUpdateUser This field displays the username of the user who last updated the given parts inventory record in Fusion.
LeadTime This field displays the number of days that will pass between placing an order and receiving an order for the given part.
LifoCost This field displays the current LIFO cost of the given part.
LifoDate This field displays the date on which the current LIFO cost of the given part was recorded.
ListPrice This field displays the list price of the given part, either from the manufacturer or entered by the user.
MaximumQuantity This field displays, for parts with a purchase method of min/max, the maximum quantity that the given part will be restocked to when it reaches the minimum quantity.
IsMDIControlled This field displays whether the given parts inventory record is controlled by MDI, as indicated on the OEM Control tab in the Parts Inventory application.
MinimumQuantity This field displays, for parts with a purchase method of min/max, the minimum quantity at which the given part will be restocked.
OrderFrequency This field displays at what frequency orders are, or can be, placed for the given part.
OrderPoint This field displays the order point for the given part, as indicated on the purchase control tab in the part record.
OverrideProductClass This field displays the override product class, if one exists, for the given part.
PartNumber This field displays the part number of the given part.
PartType This field displays whether the given part is a part, exchange, or core.
Price1 This field displays the level 1, or highest, price for the given part.
Price2 This field displays the level 2 price for the given part.
Price3 This field displays the level 3 price for the given part.
Price4 This field displays the level 4 price for the given part.
Price5 This field displays the level 5 price for the given part.
Price6 This field displays the level 6 price for the given part.
Price7 This field displays the level 7, or lowest, price for the given part.
PriceBreakCost This field represents the cost of the part that the user can order it at when placing a purchase order for a specific quantity. This quantity is usually a larger or package quantity so the cost is lower for ordering in bulk.
PriceBreakCostMultiplier This field represents the multiplier that can be applied against the Price Break Cost field that can be pulled from a Price File when updating the Price Break Cost of a Part from a Price File field in Price File Processing.
PriceBreakExpirationDate This field represents the expiration date of Price Break Cost of the Part Number.
PriceBreakQuantity This field represents the quantity of the part that the user should order to receive the Price Break Cost when purchasing parts from a vendor.
PriceFileFactor This field displays the divisor to be used to convert the unit of measure from the price file for the given part to the resale unit of measure for the given part.
PriceFilePartNumber This field displays the part number from the manufacturer on the price file for the given part, if it differs from the part number of the part in Fusion.
PriceFileSource This field displays the name of the price file for the given part.
PriceFileSourceDescription This field displays a description of the price file for the given part.
PriceGroup This field displays the price group that the given part is associated with.
IsPriceUpdatedDuringReceiving This field displays whether the price of the given part is updated at the time of receiving.
IsPrintLabel This field displays whether an option will be available to print a label for the given part when it is added to a parts order.
PriorYearManualPicks This field displays the number of manually entered picks for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearManualSales This field displays the number of manually entered sales for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearPicks This field displays the number of picks for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearSales This field displays the number of sales for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearTotalLostSales This field displays the total of lost sales for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearTotalPicks This field displays the total of picks (automatic and manual) for the given part in the prior year.
PriorYearTotalSales This field displays the total of sales (automatic and manual) for the given part in the prior year.
ProductCharacteristic This field displays additional information about the given part number, intended to supplement the Alternate Description field.
PurchaseConversion This field displays the multiplier to be used to convert the selling unit of measure to the purchasing unit of measure from the vendor for the given part.
PurchaseMethod This field displays the purchase method associated with the given part, which determines at what point the part will be restocked.
PurchUnitofMeasure This field displays the unit of measure in which the given part is purchased from the vendor.
QuantityAvailable This field displays the quantity of the given part available to be sold.
QuantityCommitted This field displays the quantity of the given part that has been added to open parts or repair orders.
QuantityOnBackOrder This field displays the quantity of the given part that has been ordered by a customer but is not currently available in inventory.
QuantityOnOrder This field displays the quantity of the given part that has been ordered from vendors, but is not available in inventory yet.
ReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of the given part.
ReturnCode This field displays the return code associated with the given part.
SafetyStockPercent This field displays the percentage that the order point should be padded with when determining whether to restock the given part.
Seasonal This field displays whether the given part is considered seasonal, or 80% of the sales occur in six or fewer consecutive months.
SellPackage This field displays the package size in which the given part is sold to customers.
SellingUnitOfMeasure This field displays the unit of measure in which the given part is sold to the customer.
SerialStockType This field displays whether a serial number is required for the given part (No indicates that it is not required, Point of Sale indicates that it will be required at the point of sale).
SerializedStockExtendedReplacementCost This field represents the sum of the Replacement Cost of all active and available Serial Numbered records that for the specific Branch Part Number. This data can be found in INV91160 Parts Inventory Serialized Stock or in the Parts Inventory record itself.
SerializedStockQuantityAvailable This field represents the total quantity of active and available Serial Numbered records that for the specific Branch Part Number. This data can be found in INV91160 Parts Inventory Serialized Stock or in the Parts Inventory record itself.
StockClass This field displays the stock class of the given part.
StockStatus This field displays the stock status of the given part.
SupersedePriceFilePartNumber This field displays the part number in the price file that the given part has superseded to.
SupplementalPriceFilePartNumber This field displays the Price File Part Number field in the Supplemental Price File Group Box on the Parts Inventory Record.
SupplementalPriceFileSource This field displays the name of the Price File Source field in the Supplemental Price File Group Box on the Parts Inventory Record.
SupplementalPriceFileSourceDescription This field displays the description of the Price File Source in the Supplemental Price File Group Box on the Parts Inventory Record.
SupplierCode This field displays the supplier code of the supplier for the given part.
SupplierBuyPackage This field displays the quantity in which the given part is purchased from the supplier.
System The 3 digit number identifying the system involved, e.g., brakes.
TariffNumber This field displays the tariff number associated with the given part.
UpdateFromPriceFile This field displays whether the pricing of the given part is updated via price file.
VelocityCode This field displays the velocity code associated with the given part.
Weight This field displays the weight of the given part.