BranchID |
ID of the branch associated with the receiving record |
ReceiveInventoryDetailID |
ID assigned to the individual receiving records. |
ReceiveInventoryHeaderID |
ID assigned to the receiving record. |
PartsInventoryDetailID |
ID assigned to a part record for a specific branch. |
ExchangeReceiveInventoryDetailID |
ID assigned to the Inh part record for a specific branch. |
PartPurchaseOrderHeaderID |
ID assigned to the Purchase Order header |
PartPurchaseOrderDetailID |
ID assigned to each part record on a Purchase Order. |
ItemType |
Designates what type of item the specific line is, Part, Exc, Ret or Misc |
SupplierID |
ID assigned to the Supplier of item received |
Supplier |
Supplier of item received |
Item |
Item received (part or misc charge) |
ItemDescription |
Description of the item received |
Quantity |
Quantity received |
Cost |
Cost of the item received |
OverrideCost |
Override cost of the item received |
ExtendedCost |
Extended cost of the item received (cost x quantity) |
CoreSupplier |
Supplier of the inherent core associated with the exchange part received |
CorePartNumber |
Inherent core part number associated with the exchange part received |
CorePartDescription |
Description of the inherent core associated with the exchange part received |
CoreCost |
Cost of the inherent core assoicated with the exchange part received |
CoreExtendedCost |
Extended cost of the inherent core associated with the exchange part received (core cost x quantity received) |
SupplierBackOrderQuantity |
This number denotes the quantity that is still due from the supplier. |
QuantityOrdered |
Quantity ordered on the original purchase order |
QuantityRemaining |
Remaining quantity not yet received (quantity ordered - quantity received) |
BinLocation |
Bin location for the part received |
PostingReference |
Posting reference number assigned when the purchase order was received |
PackingSlip |
Packing slip number associated with the purchase order received |
IsManuallyReferenced |
Denotes if the Posting Reference has been Manually Referenced. |
IsPosted |
Denotes if item is posted |
AddDate |
Date the record was added to the system |
AddUser |
User that added the record to the system |
LastUpdateDate |
Date the record was last updated |
ReceivedDate |
Date item was received |
LastUpdateUser |
User that last updated the record |
InterbranchShipmentNumber |
This number denotes the shipment record from the Interbranch order |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
Purchase order number received against |
PurchaseOrderDate |
Date the purchase order was finalized |
Branch |
Branch in which the associated purchase order was created |
FromBranch |
For Interbranch orders, this is the branch that transferred the parts. |
ExcludeFromCurrencyExchange |
Determines if the Import Cost is used. |
CoreExcludeFromCurrencyExchange |
Determines if the the Core Import Cost is used. |
ImportCost |
Foreign import cost of the part received |
CoreImportCost |
Foreign import cost of the inherent core associated with the exchange part received |
OverrideCurrencyExchangeRate |
Override currency exchange rate of the item received |