NEW API Management Portal

October 25,2021

Karmak has a new and improved APIM Portal with easier to use authentication and real time documentation to reduce errors.

All new APIs will be published within APIM.

If you are new to Unity and Karmak APIs, please head to to learn more.

This data object is used to display all vendor rebate information.

This information can be found in the Vendor Rebate program within the Fusion business system.



Field Details…

SQL Field Name Column Description
AddUser This field displays the user name that added the record.
AverageCost This field displays the average cost of a given part.
Branch This field displays the branch associated with the rebate.
CalculateCommissionsBasedOnRebatedCost This field indicates salesman commission will be calculated based on the rebated cost of the transaction. This field will always be set with the same setting as the Use Rebated Cost at Time of Sale check box.
Code1 This field displays the Code 1 field of a part record.
Code2 This field displays the Code 2 field of a part record.
Code3 This field displays the Code 3 field of a part record.
Code4 This field displays the Code 4 field of a part record.
Code5 This field displays the Code 5 field of a part record.
Customer This field displays the customer attached to the given vendor rebate.
CustomerName This field displays the customer’s name from the customer record.
CustomerPricingType This field indicates the customer pricing type for the rebate record.
ExpirationDate This field displays the date on which the given rebate expires.
ExtendedRebateAmount This field contains the extended rebate amount (Quantity * Rebate Amount).
InsideSalesperson This field displays the inside salesperson attached to the rebate.
InvoiceDate This field displays the invoice date of the parts order associated with the rebate record.
InvoiceNumber This field displays the invoice number of the parts order associated with the given rebate record.
LastUpdate This field displays the date on which the give rebate was last updated.
UpdateUser This field displays the user name of the individual who made the update.
Multiplier This field contains the multiplier used to calculate the amount of the rebate.
OutsideSalesperson This field displays the outside salesperson who is attached to a given rebate invoice.
PartDescription This field displays the description of the part that is being rebated.
PartNumber This field displays the part number of the part being rebated.
PriceFileSource This field contains the source of the price file used to calculate the rebate.
PriceLevel This field contains the price level used to calculate the rebate (List, Price 1-7, Replacement Cost).
Quantity This field displays the quantity sold for a given item.
RebateAmount This field contains the rebate amount.
RecordNotes This field contains notes that describe the rebate.
ReplacementCost This field displays the replacement cost of a given part.
SellingPrice This field displays the selling price of a given part.
StockClass This field displays a subset within a supplier, typically used in pricing and typically provided by the manufacturer.
Supplier This field displays the supplier of the rebated part.
UseRebatedCostAtTimeOfSale This setting indicates whether the rebate amount was used to calculate the cost of the transaction.
ValuePriceLevel This field contains the price the rebate was calculated from if it was calculated from an inventory price.
Vendor This field displays the vendor attached to a given rebate invoice.
VendorPrice This field contains the price the rebate was calculated from if it was calculated from a price file price.
VendorPriceDescription This field contains a description of the vendor price from the price file used to calculate the rebate.